It’s been another week with my fancy camera close to hand and plenty of fodder to capture.
Read More: TWiP: Flora, Fauna, and Baked GoodsIt’s been another week with my fancy camera close to hand and plenty of fodder to capture.
Read More: TWiP: Flora, Fauna, and Baked GoodsI picked up my fancy camera more than usual, which I think is probably a good thing. Having a hefty device in my hands, looking through a viewfinder, being intentional about focus… it’s a different experience than phone photography usually is.
Read More: TWiP: Bubbles, Berries, and Bum BudsThis is the mosaic of somebody who had a four day weekend and didn’t let it go to waste. I had family time, I crocheted, I played some more with the fusion of NFC technology and polymer clay, I used polymer and resin to copy a pair of beloved-but-no-longer-for-sale Etsy-bought earrings that I lost, I got my dirty car washed so it sparkles and shines, and I enjoyed the last of the peonies.
Read More: TWiP: Four Day WeekendI like a full mosaic. It means that I got out this week. It means that I got out, did things, and had the presence of mind to capture them 💗
Read More: TWiP: FullnessPeony season ended in an explosion of pink petals on my kitchen counter. I always want more time with these gigantic blooms. I must say, though, when they’ve decided they’ve had enough, they self destruct magnificently, in voluminous piles, photogenic in their own right.
Read More: TWiP: Peony PetalsSomeone turned fifty years old on Saturday. Spoiler alert 🚨! It was me 😜! We had a tiny party – the first since the February of last year – and it was a lovely time.
Read More: TWiP: FiftyI’m seeing the value in just doing nothing for a while. It’s unlike me to do nothing, but I am starting to enjoy a little bit of empty space in my life here and there.
Read More: TWiP: Empty spaceI’m a homebody, but this week I have really felt a pull to get out and do things.
Read More: TWiP: Get OutAll of the TWiP mosaics from this time previous years involve beach pictures from Ocean City, NJ. This year, for obvious reasons, we had to skip the trip. I’m trying not to dwell on it. There are so many reasons why I love May, and our annual Jersey Shore getaway is only one of them.
Read More: TWiP: I’m Not Down the ShoreThis week, like so many 21st-weeks-of-the-year before it, included my birthday, celebratory food, and pretty pink peonies.
Read More: TWiP: Flowers and Food