I picked up my fancy camera more than usual, which I think is probably a good thing. Having a hefty device in my hands, looking through a viewfinder, being intentional about focus… it’s a different experience than phone photography usually is.
Read More: TWiP: Bubbles, Berries, and Bum BudsTag: muffins
Summer Berry Muffins 2.0
Got two cups of summer berries? Put them in some muffins! These are whole grain, dairy free, and low sodium, so they are a healthy breakfast option, but they taste really good, too.
Read More: Summer Berry Muffins 2.0Top o’ the Mornin’ Muffins
Green muffins for St. Patrick’s Day, and not a drop of food coloring in sight. These suckers are super healthy.
Read More: Top o’ the Mornin’ MuffinsA thing about oatmeal
I have this thing about oatmeal. I’ve never cared for it, and yet every few years I find myself in the grocery store, picking up a box of the stuff. The first time I tried it, many years ago, it was plain instant oatmeal, and it was like eating a bowl of mushy cardboard. A […]
Read More: A thing about oatmealSummer Berry Muffins
Definitely had a more “balanced” day today than I have been having. A little bit of computer biz work in the morning, a little bit of housework that wasn’t as painful as I’d been thinking it would be (listening to podcasts is my favorite trick for helping the time pass quickly during a tedious task […]
Read More: Summer Berry MuffinsBerry Puree Muffins
So, I was listening to podcasts this morning while I cleaned up the kitchen, and I tried out an NPR series that was new to me called Kitchen Window. The episode I listened to was all about breakfast and the idea that a freezer full of quick bread is a great substitute for a greasy […]
Read More: Berry Puree Muffins