We visited Ocean City New Jersey again, as we do. Every year it gets more difficult to find new perspectives from the same old scenery. This year, rather than fight it and dream up some new photo project for myself, I just decided not to force it. And yet, somehow, I still have a few dozen photos to share with you.
Read More: Back to the BeachTag: beautiful jersey
Lomochrome Purple, part two
When I shot my first roll of Lomochrome Purple in the spring, I thought that it was pretty interesting. But I also thought that there just wasn’t enough green around to make it amazing. I decided then that I’d need to try again in the summer for sure, but also in the fall. In the […]
Read More: Lomochrome Purple, part twoCooper Gristmill
In the beginning of August, Neil and I took an after-work trip to Cooper Gristmill, a lovely historic mill surrounded by lush trees and babbling water. It’s been nearly three months since that trip at this point, but luckily images keep. Everything outside my window right now is orange, so the green of these images feels like such a throwback!
Read More: Cooper GristmillKeyport
Wherein I spend several paragraphs talking about how I might be getting bored of writing photography-based posts, and then write a photography-based post. I explore the question, “why are my ocean photos often not as great as being there?” and I give you a peek at my new camera (and the first few images from it).
Read More: KeyportThe Otherworldly Vibe of Lomochrome Turquoise
I took Lomochrome Turquoise film to the beach, the swamp, the farm, the river, and the coffee shop. In some cases it looked like a whole other planet (for better or for worse), and in others it resulted in just a pleasant teal tinge. Take a look!
Read More: The Otherworldly Vibe of Lomochrome TurquoiseJuly’s Mini Adventures
There were some really lovely spots where I only went for an hour or two last month, alongside the bigger trips I’ve already shared with you. Rather than give each of these their own blog post, I thought I’d put all of my favorite photos here in one place, and just show you the highlights. Take a look!
Read More: July’s Mini AdventuresHacklebarney State Park
Early this month, on a quiet Sunday, Neil and I consulted the Adventure Map and chose a park we’d never been to before: Hacklebarney State Park. And it was awesome.
Read More: Hacklebarney State ParkTrains and Train Stations
The third and final installment in my Lomochrome Metropolis adventures. I took it with me on the railroad, and got what I think are the best photos yet.
Read More: Trains and Train StationsPoint Pleasant Beach
This is part two of my experiences with Lomochrome Metropolis film. This time I took it on the boardwalk at the Jersey Shore, which is objectively a more appropriate location than the previous place I took it. Come see how it did capturing boardwalk stalls and amusement rides.
Read More: Point Pleasant BeachThe Red Mill
A few months ago I got a roll of Lomochrome Metropolis film, which is meant to result in muted tones with occasional pops of color. It’s designed to be right at home in a city. So naturally, the first place I took it was to an old mill surrounded by trees and water. Read on to see if that went as well (or as poorly) as you might think it went.
Read More: The Red Mill