Buy My Work In Person


Valentine’s Day Mini-Pop-Up Art & Crafts shop

  • WHERE: Sussex County Arts and Heritage Council, 133 Spring Street, Newton, NJ
  • WHEN: Thursday, February 13th – Saturday, February 15th 2025, 11am-7pm all three days

Holiday Makers Market

  • WHERE: Urban Sewciety, 361 South Avenue E, Westfield, NJ
  • WHEN: TBD, December 2025


Just Jersey

“Local Goods from the Garden State”

163 South Street, Morristown, NJ

You can find a nice selection of my jewelry here, year round.


Sussex County Arts and Heritage Council

133 Spring Street, Newton, NJ

Additionally, I have a dedicated shelf for my jewelry in this gallery, until the last day of February 2025, at least, probably longer.

Urban Sewciety

“Sew + Craft + Quilt”

361 South Avenue E, Westfield, NJ

This fabric shop has a small selection of my seam rippers available year round.




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