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Photos and Videos from Scotland

Glasgow, Scotland

Our home base during this trip to Scotland in August was Glasgow, We had train stations and bus stops within walking distance of our hotel, and wherever we wanted to go, there was a bus or a train to get us there. I took a thousand photos (no exaggeration) and earmarked 300 of them as “favorites” that I shared with family and friends. But I also chose 60 images that were my “favorite favorites” because 300 is a lot to digest.

Would you like to see? Read on for a link to my photo album and a playlist of short videos I made for each day of our trip!

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Three shirts, a dress, and a shawl

It’s hard to believe after thinking about a potential trip to Glasgow for five years, here we are on the other side, having been there and back already. We’ve been home for more than a month! I want to share some of my favorite photos from that trip, but I’m actually not finished telling you about the sewing and knitting I finished before we left. So how about we wrap that bit up today?

So, last I told you I had gone down a shirt-making rabbit hole. I thought I was finished with that, but it turns out, I had a few more in me. And I wanted to try my hand at making a dress to wear to the Hugo Awards, too.

I sewed one more top based on my Barefoot Summer Sheath pattern, and one more Simplicity 3835. Then I got all experimental and added sleeves to the Sheath pattern, resulting in a dress that was super comfortable and nice enough to wear to an awards ceremony.

I finished the squishy garter-stitch shawl I was working on a few months ago, and it was actually just right for the Scottish weather and my short-sleeved dress.

Read on for all of the details!

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Middle-Age Summer

Middle-age Summer Polka Dot Radio Lisa Clarke Playlist

I have so many new things to share – more shirts and dresses sewn, a finished knit shawl, photos from Scotland – but the most overdue of them all is this Summer playlist. I compiled these songs together in late May and have listened to them ad nauseum since then. This is probably my favorite playlist that I’ve made in recent memory. Have a listen and tell me what you think!

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Vacation Sewing

Neil and I are going to Scotland in August, and I was thinking about what to wear on the trip. Jeans? Check. Funky colorful shoes? Check. A week’s worth of colorful handmade tops in colors that coordinate well with the funky shoes? Eh, not really.

So, I went shopping. Picked out three plaids and three florals, and sewed myself six new tops, using two tried-and-true patterns.

And then I had a photo shoot outside on a 90-degree day, and did six costume changes, including glasses and earrings, so that I could share these new lovelies on my blog. Come and see!

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Remember when I owned a book store?

I have a big pile of magazines that were left when I closed Polka Dot Creations twelve years ago, and they are up for auction on eBay. I’ve listed titles like “Art Doll Quarterly” and “Belle Armoire” as well as several issues of “The Crafts Report” from 2008 to 2010. There are jewelry-making titles, magazines for miniaturists, and more! Read on for more information and a link to the auctions 🧶

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Going to Scotland! But first, making things!

We’re going to Scotland for Worldcon 2024 next month! I’ve been preparing for this trip in the most Lisa Clarke of ways: making jewelry and a shawl to coordinate with the convention colors. Oh, I’m such a nerd really, but I can’t stop myself! The artistic geniuses in Glasgow have designed an official tartan, a yarn colorway, custom fabric, and all kinds of other things featuring the convention colors and branding. And naturally that has inspired me, too.

If you know me at all, you know I love mixing up custom clay color schemes for special occasions!

If you’re headed to Worldcon, too, or you just like navy blues and deep purples, and light greens, and such, read on to learn more about the collection and maybe buy a little something for yourself.

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The middle cool thing in a list of otherwise undesirable tasks

I’ve been thinking lately about sheath dresses and breezy summer tops and knowing my handmade wardrobe could use a little makeover. So…

I cleaned off my sewing machine, which was no small feat. It had spent the last four years gathering dust at the foot of my bed, and let me tell you, it gathered dust really well. If you ever wonder why I let four years go by between sewing sessions, it can usually be explained by the effort it takes to set up and break down the sewing area.

It started with an idea to turn my Barefoot Summer Sheath pattern into an ankle length dress, perfect for effervescent Summer entertaining. And it ended with said dress, five new tops, and a pair of PJ shorts. Seven items, six of which I will show and tell now, if you care to read on!

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Back to the Beach

We visited Ocean City New Jersey again, as we do. Every year it gets more difficult to find new perspectives from the same old scenery. This year, rather than fight it and dream up some new photo project for myself, I just decided not to force it. And yet, somehow, I still have a few dozen photos to share with you.

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Guster in Concert

I saw Guster in concert on Tuesday, a fact that anyone who lives with me, or who follows my Instagram feed closely is no doubt tired of hearing about 😀 But for the rest of you, I present these images and thoughts about the concert. In a nutshell, it was a fantastic night, concertgoing alone wasn’t the worst thing ever, and I plan to see them again sometime for sure.

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