I spent a morning in the office for the first time since March of last year; the gas company ripped up our street for some reason they didn’t share with me; and the lilies started blooming. Plus, spaghetti dogs and green nail polish.
Read More: TWiP: Things Happen Every WeekTag: toast
TWiP: Peony Petals
Peony season ended in an explosion of pink petals on my kitchen counter. I always want more time with these gigantic blooms. I must say, though, when they’ve decided they’ve had enough, they self destruct magnificently, in voluminous piles, photogenic in their own right.
Read More: TWiP: Peony PetalsTWiP: Week 53 Again
Five years ago, I learned that sometimes there are fifty-three weeks in a year instead of fifty-two. And here we are again, with another such week.
Read More: TWiP: Week 53 AgainToast for Granny
So I made another pair of Toast. This is the style without the thumbs – they’re just plain, straight tubes of knit stitch, and about as simple as it gets. In theory anyway. Ever get the idea that some projects are just doomed from the start? First I cast on too few stitches. Then too […]
Read More: Toast for GrannyLast day
Today was the last day for a while that I’ll be able to sleep past 7:15. It’s the last day that I’ll be able to sit on the couch with a knitting project, listening to a couple of podcasts, making something for myself without unanswered business email hanging over my head. Tomorrow Neil goes back […]
Read More: Last dayWhere have I been?
Two posts from me on New Year’s Eve and then nothing. It’s three days into the new year, and where have I been? Well, see, the beautiful thing about having a husband who works in education is that he generally gets a Christmas break just like the kids do. This translates into long, cozy days […]
Read More: Where have I been?