Showing and telling my new Highlander Blanket, and sharing tips and the process for you to crochet a scrappy granny blanket of your own.
Read More: The Highlander BlanketTag: highlander blanket
TWiP: In the kitchen and the car
It’s a long weekend here, and I don’t have a lot to say, except that I’m happy you are here, reading my words and flipping through my snapshots. I’m going to get off of the computer now and go do something worthy of the weekend. I hope you do the same, once you’re done here!
Read More: TWiP: In the kitchen and the carTWiP: Flora, Fauna, and Baked Goods
It’s been another week with my fancy camera close to hand and plenty of fodder to capture.
Read More: TWiP: Flora, Fauna, and Baked GoodsTWiP: Bubbles, Berries, and Bum Buds
I picked up my fancy camera more than usual, which I think is probably a good thing. Having a hefty device in my hands, looking through a viewfinder, being intentional about focus… it’s a different experience than phone photography usually is.
Read More: TWiP: Bubbles, Berries, and Bum BudsTWiP: Wanderer
I was a wanderer earlier in the week, and a granny-square-making homebody by the end.
Read More: TWiP: WandererTWiP: Four Day Weekend
This is the mosaic of somebody who had a four day weekend and didn’t let it go to waste. I had family time, I crocheted, I played some more with the fusion of NFC technology and polymer clay, I used polymer and resin to copy a pair of beloved-but-no-longer-for-sale Etsy-bought earrings that I lost, I got my dirty car washed so it sparkles and shines, and I enjoyed the last of the peonies.
Read More: TWiP: Four Day Weekend