The title pretty much says it all.
All of the TWiP mosaics from this time in previous years involve beach pictures from Ocean City. This year, for obvious reasons, we had to skip the trip. I’m trying not to dwell on it. There are so many reasons why I love May, and our annual Jersey Shore getaway is only one of them.
Mother’s Day… my birthday… Memorial Day… all May things, and all still happening, albeit with less togetherness than usual.
But there’s more that this pandemic can’t take away from us. Like Peony Season. We are on the verge of that! And the Annual Lemonade-and-Cherries-Themed Cloth Napkins Thing has begun in my kitchen. And Homemade Iced Tea has started appearing in my fridge.
May brings so many nice things.
It’s a roundup of the microblogging I’ve done on Flickr and Instagram all week. This includes photos I shot for Project 365 and any other extra images I may have posted.
Photos taken with 📷 (Canon EOS 80D ) or 📱 (Samsung Galaxy S9 ).
Ready? Cast your mind back to Saturday last week…
Saturday Day 9/31: Power Tools I’ve been doing so much more of this than I would have imagined a month and a half ago.(View original Picture Home post on Instagram.)
130/365 Ever have one of those days where you realize that the only picture you took was one you shot accidentally while trying to set up your phone for a video chat with your mother?(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)
Sunday 131/365 Mother’s Day. Enjoying a quiet breakfast of powdered mini donuts and coffee. I’m told there is something fun planned for after dinner.(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)
Day 10/31: Let Love Bloom I was hoping my peonies would be ready for this prompt, but that’s probably another week away. These are pretty, too, though 😊(View original Picture Home post on Instagram.)
Story for Sunday
Monday Day 11/31: Make Your Bed I make mine every morning because it makes me feel tidy. Even when the rest of the room looks like a bomb went off, and even when there’s still a husband lazing on the other side of it 😜(View original Picture Home post on Instagram.)
132/365 Getting some masks ready to ship while I relax in front of the TV.(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)
Tuesday Day 12/31: Shape of Water So much hand washing these days…(View original Picture Home post on Instagram.)
133/366 Here’s a batch of masks that I finished making today. I usually do ten at a time, ship out those that are spoken for, and set the rest aside to either donate or sell grab-bag style.(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)
Story for Tuesday
Wednesday Day 13/31: Fun and Games For years we have played the license plate game, printing out a fresh copy every summer, and playing as a family. It was a nice, friendly, cooperative game. Well, this week my older son and his girlfriend challenged my younger son and I to a license plate game competition. So now it’s on. And @eamforthestars and I plan to win! Take that, @aidan.226 and @yaweyporfavor!! 🤣(View original Picture Home post on Instagram.)
134/366 I spend so much time in this room. I work here all day, unwind here most of the evening, and sleep here all night.(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)
Thursday Day 14/31: Gather Together The ants are gathering together so that I can have a big beautiful peony flower in a few days 😍(View original Picture Home post on Instagram.)
135/366 I seem to have a knack for interrupting intimate animal kingdom moments…(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)
Friday 136/366 This is the first summer-like day we’ve had. It’s enough to make me shave my legs and put on a dress. It’s a work day, but on my breaks I can seek out a bit of warm sun to bask in.(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)
Day 15/31: Snap Happy On the wall next to my bed is a picture of my husband and sons flying a kite 12 years ago in Ocean City, NJ. Some of my favorite people at one of my favorite places 💗(View original Picture Home post on Instagram.)
Thanks for taking a peek at this week’s photos! If you want to see this stuff as it happens, please feel free to follow me on Flickr or Instagram ♥
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