Showing and telling my new Highlander Blanket, and sharing tips and the process for you to crochet a scrappy granny blanket of your own.
Read More: The Highlander BlanketShowing and telling my new Highlander Blanket, and sharing tips and the process for you to crochet a scrappy granny blanket of your own.
Read More: The Highlander BlanketI was a wanderer earlier in the week, and a granny-square-making homebody by the end.
Read More: TWiP: WandererThis is the mosaic of somebody who had a four day weekend and didn’t let it go to waste. I had family time, I crocheted, I played some more with the fusion of NFC technology and polymer clay, I used polymer and resin to copy a pair of beloved-but-no-longer-for-sale Etsy-bought earrings that I lost, I got my dirty car washed so it sparkles and shines, and I enjoyed the last of the peonies.
Read More: TWiP: Four Day WeekendThis week I’ve made an effort to use my Canon 80D wherever possible. What I lose in convenience by not using my handy phone, I more than make up for in quality, I think. It’s not that my phone doesn’t take lovely pictures. In fact, my current phone is orders of magnitude better than the camera I was using when I started this blog. But there’s something about a DSLR photo that just looks better.
Read More: TWiP: Newfound PunctualityMore Picture Nature photos this week, though it’s hard to be colorful in March in New Jersey.
Read More: TWiP: The Quest to be ColorfulLet’s not talk about how late I am in publishing this week’s recap. Instead, let’s talk about all of that snow! And that new ripple blanket that’s coming along nicely.
Read More: TWiP: Snow and RipplesIt’s been a crochet-tastic week around here. I’ve finished two blankets and started a third.
Read More: TWiP: Crochet-tasticMore than half of the people in the USA had a collective sigh of relief this week as a new President took office. And, on a less nationally significant note, I finished a blanket I started back in April of 2015.
Read More: TWiP: New Presidents and Old Squircles