The best way to see the city is from afar, in my opinion. I grew up in an area of New Jersey where, if traffic and the intervening river were not an issue, I could have gotten to New York city in 15 minutes or so. Still, traffic and the intervening river usually are an […]
Read More: The best way to see the cityCategory: excursions
Preventative Medicine

Yesterday was the last day of my vacation. The plan today was to spend most of my waking hours wading through email and processing orders, but when I woke up this morning to the sounds of the Bicker Brothers in the other room, I knew it was not to be. On those days when the […]
Read More: Preventative MedicineG is for Guilt

Yeah, I have my fair share of guilt at times, and so it is G in the Encyclopedia of Me. Guilt when I have other plans the same time as a family party; guilt when I have too much business to do and can’t spend quality time with the kids or the husband; guilt when […]
Read More: G is for GuiltSummer weekend

Yep, it’s definitely summer. We spent yesterday afternoon swimming at my parents’ house with my sister & my nephews, and today we picked berries in our yard. We didn’t have a gigantic harvest – maybe 2 cups – but it’s a nice haul, when you consider we only lucked into these plants and didn’t have […]
Read More: Summer weekendThe Simpsons, Some Rats & Color Week

Here’s a recent family portrait, courtesy of The Simpsons Movie. I wasted far too much time on that site this morning. Neil designed his own avatar, and I did mine & the kids, although the boys did pick out their own outfits (if you couldn’t guess…) Thanks a lot, Neil, for sending me that and […]
Read More: The Simpsons, Some Rats & Color WeekA tote and a trip

I made another little project today. This is another version of this tote from Lotta Jansdotter’s Simple Sewing. I like the first tote, but it’s a bit flimsy. I decided to try adding a lining, but of course, I didn’t bother to do any research on how to do that. I just flew by the […]
Read More: A tote and a tripSwamp Things

Son #2 and I were heading off to Trader Joe’s today, and we traveled through the Great Swamp to get there. We were only about a mile or two from home when I saw a beautiful blue heron standing in the water on the side of the road. I went back home for my camera, […]
Read More: Swamp ThingsA little freedom is dangerous for the wallet.

So the Other Half takes the Sons over to his parents’ house this afternoon and comes back with a power washer but without the boys. Now, I love my children dearly, but the prospect of an evening without the duties of parenthood looming kind of makes me giddy Other Half asks me what I’d like […]
Read More: A little freedom is dangerous for the wallet.Just some chit-chatty stuff from me

Hello! It’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything here other than bestseller lists. I have been busy with one thing or another for months, but I have a few minutes tonight to post an update, so I thought I’d take advantage of it. So, what have I been up to lately? Well, from […]
Read More: Just some chit-chatty stuff from me