I’m thinking it was probably lousy timing on my part to do the color scheme naming contest the same week as the November color challenge wraps up, but what’s done is done, eh? Let’s try to keep from getting too confused If you’re new to my blog, you can take a moment to read about […]
Read More: Color Challenge Finalists for NovemberTag: nablopomo
I’ve tried to start this post 5 times, but I can’t seem to form a coherent sentence. I know I shouldn’t be trying to write in front of the tv, but who thought that Between the Lions could be such a distraction? So far today I’ve learned about the letter H, the three little pigs, […]
Read More: DistractedClay day
I was beginning to wonder if I would ever get back to the Evolution of a Color Scheme series. The good news is that I have been making canes today, and that I know what the prize will be for the winner of my color scheme naming contest. The bad news is that I can’t […]
Read More: Clay dayIt’s a sickness, I tell you.
Can’t say I’m afraid of the camera now, can we? I’m a pretty shy girl in public, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned since opening my flickr account, it’s that it’s fun to take my own picture. It’s bringing out the ham in me, and I never realized that she existed before. Kind […]
Read More: It’s a sickness, I tell you.Baking, Feasting, and Re-Thinking
Before I forget again, let me get this out of the way: If you are a Facebook user, and a fan of Polka Dot Creations, Polka Dot Radio, or both, you can visit their pages there and declare yourself to be a fan: Polka Dot Creations Polka Dot Radio Oh, and feel free to befriend […]
Read More: Baking, Feasting, and Re-ThinkingMom’s Cranberry Bread
Today I am thankful for the warm and cozy things of fall. Fires in the fireplace and family recipes. In particular, my mother’s cranberry bread, which I would have made today if I’d remembered to buy orange juice when I was at the supermarket this morning Ingredients 2 cups 1 1/2 teaspoons 1 teaspoon […]
Read More: Mom’s Cranberry BreadThe onset of winter
Did I speak too soon yesterday? Did I anger the weather gods? It snowed again this morning – still is snowing, in fact – and it’s decided to stick around. I can appreciate what a fun sight this is to a little person, I really can. And I can even enjoy this kind of thing […]
Read More: The onset of winterThe first snow of the season
It didn’t stick, but it was pretty to watch, as it came down. Aidan enjoyed a seat by the bay window, and imagined that one of the big flakes was really a camera in disguise, sent by the enemy to spy on us. It’s pretty interesting to me how his imagination never takes a break. […]
Read More: The first snow of the seasonWhy my kitchen still looks like World War 3
What do you do with a boring, too-big t-shirt with an unflattering unisex crew-neck? Usually I just keep it for a season out of guilt and then chuck it in the giveaway bag. Today I had a different idea. How about re-doing the neckline a la those Built By Wendy tops I was […]
Read More: Why my kitchen still looks like World War 3Honors, Favorites & Pudge
I think today instead of ending with my thankful thought, I will start with it. Guess what – Kim from Today’s Creative Blog featured me yesterday! Isn’t that cool? I encourage you to go check out Kim’s blog. I’ve had it on my must-read list for some time now. She has a knack for finding […]
Read More: Honors, Favorites & Pudge