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Clay day

Do a little more caning

I was beginning to wonder if I would ever get back to the Evolution of a Color Scheme series. The good news is that I have been making canes today, and that I know what the prize will be for the winner of my color scheme naming contest. The bad news is that I can’t write up the next installment today because there are still more canes to be made, tiles to be made and photographed, and a prize to be made and photographed. My hope is that I can get all of that done this weekend.

But don’t hold your breath.  That list is just a subset of a larger crafty list, some of which is actually necessary business-wise and must come first.   Bummer,  eh?

So, let this serve as a little teaser, and as  confirmation to those of you who may have been tempted to give up on me,  that yes, I do have plans to actually finish up this series, despite the month-long break I took on it.  Relieved?  I’ll reveal the prize in my next official series post, but let me give you a little hint:  there are actually two possible prizes that the winner may choose from – one that can help you hone your own polymer clay skills, or one that can let you get a closer look at mine.  And that’s all that I will say about that!

Tonight I am thankful for the ability to order pizza online.  Easiest. Supper. Ever.


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Posted on 5 Comments

5 thoughts on “Clay day

  1. ok…so you ordered the pizza….but it never arrived here! Don’t tell me you sent it to the wrong address (um, like yours instead of mine?)

    Can’t wait to see the end results of this color play. you do like to stretch out the drama now doncha? 🙂 I am thinking of color scheme names as I type!

    See what Kathi has been blogging about: Today I clayed!

    1. Mnfmnf nnfmfm nnfnfmfth. Oops, sorry – had a mouthful of leftover pepperoni pizza there… 😉

      1. you
        not to mention a big tease. I am starving and soooooo over eating turkey

  2. Hi Lisa,
    I love your canes and am looking forward to more color play!

    1. Thanks! I posted the next installment this afternoon. I had a great time cane-making yesterday. I hadn’t gone on an all-day cane-making tear like that in some time!

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