I’m eating healthier lately: green smoothies, salads, and power bars. Let me tell you a little bit about that.
Read More: Power bar infatuationTag: weight loss
Diet food
Wherein I talk about strawberry butter on toast and peppermint iced tea in a blue mason jar. But not at the same time.
Read More: Diet foodBowl of cherries
I’m giving dieting a chance again. Not doing the official Weight Watchers thing, but using what I know of their “points plus” system as a guideline. Three days in, and so far so good. It’s been no trouble sticking to my points (which seems odd to me – in the past it’s been quite an […]
Read More: Bowl of cherriesLet’s talk sugar.
My friend Robin passed this video along. It’s an hour and a half lecture, which I thought at first would be too long to sit through, but it really sucks you in. Listen to it in the background while you fold laundry, eat your lunch, or whatever mindless tasks you have to do today, and […]
Read More: Let’s talk sugar.Bribery will get you everywhere
Once upon a time (or, more specifically, just over a year ago) I made a deal with myself. I knew I needed to lose 25lbs, and I thought maybe an incentive system would push me to reach my goal. Hey, it works with the kids, right? Why not me? So I decided that for every […]
Read More: Bribery will get you everywhereSpam spam bo bam
I promise this post isn’t all about Reese’s Pieces and chocolate cake. It is about spam, though. Have any of you ever eaten Spam? I haven’t. Don’t plan to, either. The electronic version is bad enough. So I realized this afternoon that I haven’t checked one of my email addresses in a week. My email […]
Read More: Spam spam bo bamQuitting time
Would you think less of me, if I were I quitter? 😉 See, the thing is, I had made this deal that I’d only make a new skirt for myself after I lost 5 pounds. It seemed a pretty reasonable goal back in January when it was too cold to really wear skirts and I […]
Read More: Quitting timeBe my Valentine
I mentioned in passing a while back that I had made an agreement with myself that I would not make a single skirt until I’d lost 5 lbs? Admittedly, that’s an easier deal to make with oneself in the middle of winter when one would prefer to be bundled up in cozy sweatpants and would […]
Read More: Be my ValentineFood, glorious food
I’ve spent all darn day doing food-related things. I even took my Project365 photo while food shopping. I was up late last night coming up with a menu for the week – one that consisted of some new things, some healthy things, and some easy things. Lately I’ve been taking the easy way out as […]
Read More: Food, glorious foodHonors, Favorites & Pudge
I think today instead of ending with my thankful thought, I will start with it. Guess what – Kim from Today’s Creative Blog featured me yesterday! Isn’t that cool? I encourage you to go check out Kim’s blog. I’ve had it on my must-read list for some time now. She has a knack for finding […]
Read More: Honors, Favorites & Pudge