Posted on 21 Comments

Why my kitchen still looks like World War 3


New shirt - before

What do you do with a boring, too-big t-shirt with an unflattering unisex crew-neck? Usually I just keep it for a season out of guilt and then chuck it in the giveaway bag. Today I had a different idea.


New shirt - after

How about re-doing the neckline a la those Built By Wendy tops I was making this summer? And then cutting a few inches from the sleeves and hemming them? And finally taking it in an inch on each side? Yeeeees, I think that will do nicely.


New shirt - another option

Maybe I could even dress it up with a belt and a tile necklace?


New shirt

Or some fun umbrella earrings? Either way, it’s a BIG improvement I’d say.

I spent yesterday evening mulling this idea over in my mind, and this morning putting it into action. And that, my friends, is why my kitchen is still a disaster area, there’s a laundry explosion in my bedroom, and the living room is overrun with jackets and shoes. Those are the things, I was planning to rectify this morning before I got sucked into repurposing my shirt.

Now, if you will excuse me, I have a dishwasher to unload…

Oh! Almost forgot my thankful thing. I’m thankful for good health – mine and that of my loved ones.


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Posted on 21 Comments

21 thoughts on “Why my kitchen still looks like World War 3

  1. I love what you did with that shapeless t-shirt!!!! I’m thinking I need to tackle Simplicity 3835 first though. I’m going shopping tonight and I hope to pick up that pattern!

    1. I’m pretty happy with it – considering it was a freebie that I wasn’t likely to wear, I really had nothing to lose. Except an hour or so 🙂 If you have trouble finding the pattern, check Simplicity online. I don’t know if they ship internationally, but here in the US the shipping was free, and the pattern was cheap, too.

  2. Great job! I can’t believe I didn’t think of that. I have a few boring crew neck shirts that I’ve been trying to remake so that I actually like to wear them. This might be it!

    1. I generally like crew neck shirts, but I’m picky about them. I like them to be feminine and this one wasn’t. This was so much easier than making a shirt from scratch, I may have to look around for more shirts to cut up 🙂

  3. You are one crazy sewing momma I say. Great reconstruction of that t shirt! Ta heck with exploding kitchens and laundry bags… until you can’t sew no mo!

    1. If I didn’t have to live here among the ruins, I’d be all over that.

      1. heh…time to get them boys cleaning the kitchen while you sew.

        wait…boys, kitchens, knives, breakable objects…..hmmmm maybe not *g*

        1. Um, yeah, no. The little one loves to help me unload the dishwasher, but I cringe every time he tries to hold a stoneware plate in each hand, little fingers slowly losing their grip. He has yet to drop anything, though, so who knows?

  4. I’m just popping over as you were featured on Creative Blogs. I SOOOO can relate to your story. DH came home to the tornado of my house the other day and I just looked at him sheepishly and said, “I’m in a groove honey, will you make dinner?” 😆 I’m off to take a look around your blog 🙂

    1. Heh, that’s funny! My creative groove has lasted for about six months now and I think it’s wearing thin for everyone else around here 😉

      Glad you dropped by – thanks for introducing yourself!

  5. Hey, I know those earrings…because a version of them is sitting right here next to my keyboard. Love those. Love the shirt. Got a closet full of “I like this fabric, but the shirt/skirt doesn’t fit–if I could only cut it up and remake it into something for Nell” gremlins, taunting me to get the sewing machine out of the garage….

    1. I wear my version of those earrings *all* the time – I’m glad you like yours! You totally should drag out the sewing machine. The way I look at it, if you are repurposing something that you weren’t able to wear anyway, it’s no terrible thing if you screw it up. I did something pretty terrible to a pair of Neil’s favorite pj bottoms, but not ntil after he’d already put a big hole in the knee. My attempt to turn them into shorts was a dismal failure, but I learned a thing or two in the process, and I didn’t ruin anything that wasn’t already ruined.

  6. How funny!
    I just took a break from cutting out the neckline of one crew neck to check my e-mail!

    You definitely inspired me. This shirt is one I put on when all other cute tops are in the laundry. I really think I’ll feel better about it after this. Thanks!

    See what lsaspacey has been blogging about: I Could Not Resist

    1. Oh, cool – I’d love to see how it came out when you’re finished! I’m considering doing another one, but without the elastic. One can only have so many necklines exactly the same, LOL!

  7. Love that make-over to the black shirt!!! CUTE!

    1. Thanks! I dropped by your blog – I like your cards!

  8. You know, I was just about to toss some sweats because they’d gotten so incredibly old and stretched out. Maybe I’ll play around with some spare fabric, and they can still be housecleaning/gardening/cooking clothes, but not plain old sweats. Hmmmmm.

    BTW, did you try the belt a little lower, say just above the hips? I think it would be a good look for you. If you have more of the fabric, you could even add a 2-3 inch flounce at the end of the sleeves!

    1. I usually try to avoid belts in the traditional places. I used to have a waist, but I haven’t seen it lately, and I think a belt might accentuate that little problem 😉

  9. […] Fashion Crisis Mode. All along I had been planning to wear the nicest pair of jeans I own and the refurbished t-shirt I posted about last week. That was fine. I was happy. Until this morning when it occurred to me […]

  10. wow, great job!

    1. Thank you! I’m pleased with it myself.

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