A new freebie printable for you on your Summer road trips across North America. How many license plates can you find?
Read More: Road trip fun: the license plate game!Tag: fun with kids
Lisa Takes the Easy Way Out
In which I say I’m not going to write much, but then I write a book anyway: traveling with older kids presents a different set of challenges than traveling with littles.
Read More: Lisa Takes the Easy Way OutBOG and Mom’s Excellent Adventure
My son’s brainchild: summer adventures together, just me and him. Our first stop was in Princeton, NJ a few weeks ago.
Read More: BOG and Mom’s Excellent AdventureRiding the rails
Last weekend we took a train ride. We missed the first leg of the journey – the train chugged right past us, as we were pulling into the station – but we went up and got our prepaid tickets from the counter anyway, and were told that we could meet up with the train in […]
Read More: Riding the railsSpaghetti Dogs
I first saw this on Pinterest with no source given. I found it repulsive in a can’t-avert-my-eyes kind of way, and so I google image searched my way to the original. I showed it to the one person in this house (other than me) who likes both pasta and hot dogs, and he was all […]
Read More: Spaghetti DogsNew pool
Every year we put a kiddie pool on our back patio. At 11 and 8, the boys are kind of big for such a thing, but it’s still a great way to cool off. We like to dip our feet in it on hot afternoons, and often the boys will put on their bathing suits […]
Read More: New poolAnd hilarity ensued
What do you get when you take a hot day, an open kitchen window by the sink, and a couple of empty bowls? (Click the image below to find out…) You know, when I heard all of this going on from inside the house, I thought it would be fun to get in on the […]
Read More: And hilarity ensuedHe likes his spaghetti blue
At least, that was the verdict when I asked him how we should celebrate his birthday dinner. “Do you want me to make your favorite (plain unadulterated pasta) at home? Or do you want us to take you out somewhere?” I asked. He pondered it over for a quarter of an hour before replying. “Let’s […]
Read More: He likes his spaghetti blueThe capital of Massachussetts
I am always impressed by the way that kids can take any situation and turn it into fun time. Their imaginations are limitless. When I have a weekend out of town, I bring a book, some knitting, and my laptop so that I am guaranteed not to go out of my mind with boredom. These […]
Read More: The capital of MassachussettsSaturday in the Park
Actually, it was Friday, but had I called this post “Friday in the Park,” I’d have missed the opportunity to get a catchy 70’s tune stuck in your head. You’re welcome. So, my kids have been on a real video-making kick for the last few weeks. It’s probably my fault for lending them my old […]
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