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Crafty Little Bee

I got a pile of sewing and claying done since yesterday, and you can see all of it in this picture! First, last night, I used my favorite fabric from the Freshcut collection and made a wraparound skirt from the Sew What book. I’m really happy with it, it was relatively easy, and I will […]

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Young Love, Anticipation and Salad

Today was the end-of-year picnic for son #2’s school. Here he is with his “favorite friend,” as he calls her. I just love how he’s got his arm around her. Preschool scuttlebutt is that they like to hug and that he kissed her last week during circle time. My little Casanova! It’s getting close to […]

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More sewing and a little contest

Yesterday I made the apron I’d been planning to make, and it only took me a hour! The first one I made took twice as long. I guess I’m getting the hang of this sewing thing… Here are some flickr pictures for your viewing pleasure. I had enough fabric left to make a tote bag, […]

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A little freedom is dangerous for the wallet.

So the Other Half takes the Sons over to his parents’ house this afternoon and comes back with a power washer but without the boys. Now, I love my children dearly, but the prospect of an evening without the duties of parenthood looming kind of makes me giddy Other Half asks me what I’d like […]

Read More: A little freedom is dangerous for the wallet.