We made a different kind of cookie yesterday and were waaaaay more successful than we were with the ill-fated Pumpkin Biscotti. This time I had the “help” of a little person, which is always nice, and we slaved away all afternoon getting that sugar cookie dough perfect. Yes, it takes the ultimate concentration to combine […]
Read More: Cookies, aprons, pants & moreCategory: food
Cookies for breakfast

I have these days where I know there is work to be done. Days where I have a glorious four hours of time alone. Time alone that could do serious damage to my to-do list. But something distracts me. Something makes me spend my four hours doing other things. Things that feel like fun at […]
Read More: Cookies for breakfastA napkin-ey weekend
As you may know, I’ve been up to my eyeballs in so much stuff this week, but I needed some moments of brainless activity to help keep me sane. Sewing a series of straight lines is brainless enough for me, so I worked on my non-seasonal everyday napkins. I did a few every day […]
Read More: A napkin-ey weekendWelcome Autumn
It seems that my favorite time of year has arrived. The house is filled with the quintessential smell of fall – fresh-baked pumpkin bread. If your house doesn’t smell like this today, why don’t you take my recipe and see if you can rectify that, hm? I welcomed autumn this morning with the very first […]
Read More: Welcome AutumnOops, I did it again

I am completely incapable of having one of anything, wardrobe-wise. If I find something I like, I need to have it in several colors. This was true of me when I was a teenager and buying GAP pocket tees, it was true of me a few years ago when I was all about the […]
Read More: Oops, I did it againGrilled Pepper Jack Cheese on Zucchini Bread

I never liked grilled cheese growing up. In fact, I was nearly 30 years old before I realized I could actually enjoy eating it. The trick for me was to avoid processed American cheese and instead use a slice of yummy, spicy pepper jack. Additionally, I found I liked using homemade bread. My favorite […]
Read More: Grilled Pepper Jack Cheese on Zucchini BreadWe’ve been painting!

Ok, when I say “we” I actually mean “Neil.” My contribution is to keep the children from touching the wet walls. That is a surprisingly difficult task. As soon as they know that they can’t touch it, it becomes a serious problem for them. Just walking through the room, they are inexplicably drawn to leaning […]
Read More: We’ve been painting!Fruits of my labor
Wineberry cake

If you haven’t been watching the comments to my previous berry post with rapt attention, you probably aren’t aware that the berries have been identified and I decided to make a cake out of them. My neighbor Diane let me know that the berries growing wild in our yard (and much of the rest of […]
Read More: Wineberry cakeSummer weekend

Yep, it’s definitely summer. We spent yesterday afternoon swimming at my parents’ house with my sister & my nephews, and today we picked berries in our yard. We didn’t have a gigantic harvest – maybe 2 cups – but it’s a nice haul, when you consider we only lucked into these plants and didn’t have […]
Read More: Summer weekend