It’s the Choose Your Own Adventure of patchwork scarves: Learn to make your own, or buy one of mine. Check it out!
Read More: It’s all about the scarf, babyIt’s the Choose Your Own Adventure of patchwork scarves: Learn to make your own, or buy one of mine. Check it out!
Read More: It’s all about the scarf, babyYou might want to sit down for this, or at least hold on to something. Are you ready? Here goes: I did something crafty today and it didn’t involve yarn or a hook. Truly. I kid you not. Friday afternoon, I signed for an eagerly-awaited package at my door, brought it into the house, tore […]
Read More: Picture thisSo I’ve been staring at the smiling Hershey Kiss on this garage sale travel mug for at least two years. I’ve never liked it, and I often think about scribbling over it with a Sharpie. Today I decided to take action in a much more attractive way. If you have your own straight-sided, handled cup […]
Read More: Custom-fit Mug CozyI’ve had the main out-of-print Bleeker Street fabric, the flannel lining, the quilt batting and the fancy button set aside for this little project since last December, but then Christmas came, and my focus was needed elsewhere, and well, you know how that goes. I unearthed the little bundle of supplies again when I cleaned […]
Read More: Cozy coffeeI got an early birthday present this week! Isn’t it pretty? First thing I did (aside from take a boatload of pictures) was rip apart the Canon-branded strap it came with and replace it with a new one. I made this patchwork strap from scraps that were leftover when I made my beach blanket last […]
Read More: Speaking of playing with camerasIf I wasn’t so full right now from my take-out supper, I’d be curled up in my pj’s sipping a cup of vanilla coffee as I write this. Actually, I’m too full for the coffee, but not for the pj’s. Hm. Hang on a moment while I go change… There. That’s much better. So, ready […]
Read More: A blur of fabric and clayIt’s been a quiet week on the blog, but not so in Real Life™. The kids started school on Tuesday, and this being the first year that both of them have a full day schedule, it’s been rather odd for me. I certainly have enough to keep me busy, but it’s hard to get out […]
Read More: Sneak PeekLet’s start with the fact that I was so rusty in terms of bag-making that I completely forgot how to sew it together and accidentally made something that ended up being like a doll quilt with handles. Not exactly what I was going for. Needless to say, I spent some quality time with my seam […]
Read More: This bag and I have issuesBusy busy busy day today, but I think I can spare just a moment to discuss something that I know is on everyone’s mind today: Scarves. Don’t try to deny it. You’ve been preoccupied for the last several days, wondering how you will ever keep your neck warm as the weather turns more and more […]
Read More: A matter of the utmost importanceYesterday I cleaned up the parts of the kitchen that I need on a regular basis, namely the sink and the counter tops. Today, I tackled the table, which has served as a favorite dumping ground recently. When it was all cleared-off & shined-up, I realized it would look so much warmer if a Fall […]
Read More: Viral cleanliness