Posted on 9 Comments

A matter of the utmost importance

Scarf Town

Busy busy busy day today, but I think I can spare just a moment to discuss something that I know is on everyone’s mind today: Scarves.

Patchwork Scarf

Don’t try to deny it.  You’ve been preoccupied for the last several days, wondering how you will ever keep your neck warm as the weather turns more and more crisp outside.  You’ve been concerned for the bare necks of your family and friends.  You’ve considered spending the next six months indoors, huddled under a quilt with a good book next to a roaring fire.

Appealing as that is, it’s a bit impractical.  So what is a cold girl to do?

Patchwork Scarf

Don’t worry.  I’ve got your back.  Or your neck, as the case may be.  I’ve got this fun, fashionable, almost famous* patchwork scarf, fresh off the sewing machine and looking for a good home. It’s calling your name.  Can’t you hear it?  “Oh, <insert your name here>, please buy me!  I promise to keep you pretty and warm all season!”

And if pink & brown are not your style, you can take heart, as there are a plethora of other colors available on Etsy right now.  Don’t let a bare neck keep you down this season.


And now, back to my regularly-scheduled busy day.

* almost famous, because it was photographed this morning for possible inclusion in a local magazine to be published in mid-December (oo la la!)


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Posted on 9 Comments

9 thoughts on “A matter of the utmost importance

  1. That’s lovely! I wish I had a need for a scarf. I rarely get to wear them here in Phoenix. I’ll just sit here and ogle the beauty of all those scarves instead.

    See what Sarah Jackson has been blogging about: I voted

    1. Thanks! In about a month or two, I’ll be wishing I lived in Arizona, too! I’m usually already over the whole winter thing by December (which is sad, when you consider it tends to stick around until late March…)

  2. Your timing is just about perfect. We got our first snow today. Slushy, gooey stuff.

    See what Elaine has been blogging about: Colour Me Blue

    1. Oh, ew. I love snow, when it’s just a gentle dusting. Slush, though, I can do without.

  3. These scarves are beautiful! I need to make a few more because the temperature here has dropped considerably in the last 2 weeks.

    1. Thank you! It got colder around here, too, recently, except for today. It was in the 60’s!

  4. You are too funny! The scarves turned out great! Im in Nebraska where the weather has been in the 70’s the past week. Tommorow it will be down to 40 degrees. Its time to retire my flip flops!

    See what Kashoan has been blogging about: Corn Bag time again!

    1. Yeah, I finally put away the flip-flops last week. I wore them well past the time I usually do this year for some reason.

  5. That scarf looks wonderful with the Aran cardigan Lisa, well done. Here we are HOT and looking to buy a Vornado fan.

    See what magikquilter has been blogging about: A Win For Humanity

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