I’ve been making a lot of coffee and tea in my refrigerator recently. This is how I do the brewing, and how I prepare the brew for drinking.
Read More: Cold Brewing Coffee and TeaI’ve been making a lot of coffee and tea in my refrigerator recently. This is how I do the brewing, and how I prepare the brew for drinking.
Read More: Cold Brewing Coffee and TeaMy tea kettle sprung a leak, and now I am dithering over how to replace it. Help, please?
Read More: Watching water boilI’ve had the main out-of-print Bleeker Street fabric, the flannel lining, the quilt batting and the fancy button set aside for this little project since last December, but then Christmas came, and my focus was needed elsewhere, and well, you know how that goes. I unearthed the little bundle of supplies again when I cleaned […]
Read More: Cozy coffeeNot a lot of chatter in the comments here these days. I wonder why that is. Am I talking about things that you find completely uninspiring? Am I not posting enough? Am I posting too much? Does it have nothing to do with me at all, and everything to do with October? That’s it, isn’t […]
Read More: ChillI recently took my coffeemaker off of the counter top and regained about a square foot of space. In my kitchen, that’s a big deal. It’s not that I’ve given up coffee – I still have my morning cup most days – it’s just that I’ve found a new way to make that cup, and […]
Read More: Cold-Press Coffee, or, How I Reclaimed Some Precious Counter SpaceNeil says in the 14 years we’ve been married, that I’ve gotten weirder. The term “flickr freak” was bandied about. As you can see, my finger is on the camera trigger. I should point out that I wasn’t insulted by that comment, and that Neil is not exactly the most normal person I’ve ever met […]
Read More: Incoherent ramblings of a caffeinated mind