I can’t remember the last week that I took this few photos…
Read More: TWiP: I’m supposed to be shopping right nowI can’t remember the last week that I took this few photos…
Read More: TWiP: I’m supposed to be shopping right nowI made a new pair of fingerless gloves for myself. The pattern is called Leydon, and the yarn is from an alpaca named Charlotte.
Read More: Charlotte LeydonIt’s a new eBook tutorial for October: Striped Wristwarmers! Suitable for double-pointed needles or knitting loom. Get just the pattern, or a full-blown pattern+ tutorial, depending on your skill level.
Read More: Fun with StripesI had a lightbulb moment about knitting during my working hours, and as a result I got stripey today while the sun was still shining.
Read More: Prototype in stripesI am not a perfectionist about most things, knitting included. I tend to think that any errors in the fabric are far more visible to me than they would be to the casual observer, and as such, I often let little imperfections slide. These Trenza Mitts, though, crossed the line from “little imperfections” into “glaring mistakes” […]
Read More: The tale of the imperfect gloveI’m trying to learn not to be so matchy-matchy. I’ve been hearing lately that it’s very stylish to coordinate one’s accessories, but to match them? Not so much. This isn’t an easy lesson for me, as you might imagine, being someone who has spent much of the last fifteen years attempting to exactly match the […]
Read More: Turn a Dashing SquareNot a lot of chatter in the comments here these days. I wonder why that is. Am I talking about things that you find completely uninspiring? Am I not posting enough? Am I posting too much? Does it have nothing to do with me at all, and everything to do with October? That’s it, isn’t […]
Read More: ChillI just realized it’s been a year since I first picked up the knitting needles. My first project with them was a pair of fingerless gloves, and surprise, surprise, guess what my most recent project has been? Yes, it’s another pair of Dashing. After making three pairs for other people, I was eager to make […]
Read More: Thumbless DashingI’m thinking I may need to have my “crafty blogger” license revoked. Not counting photography-related posts, I haven’t dedicated an entire post to anything craft-related in almost a month. A lot of that is because I haven’t done much of anything crafty. I’ve wanted to, but I’ve been stalled by the state of my craft […]
Read More: Dashing Young ThingsI’ve been drooling over this pattern since before I knew my way around a pair of knitting needles, and I finally started a set back in January. This is Dashing, from Knitty. I love them because they are masculine enough that I can make them for those hard to shop for men in my life, […]
Read More: How dashing