I’ve been drinking green smoothies for the last few weeks, and I don’t hate them. In fact, I really like them. I’m a convert! Check out my recipe.
Read More: Green smoothies, againI’ve been drinking green smoothies for the last few weeks, and I don’t hate them. In fact, I really like them. I’m a convert! Check out my recipe.
Read More: Green smoothies, againPsst! Would you like a free downloadable cookbook with 5 heart-healthy recipes inside? Here, take two! They’re small 🙂
Read More: Low-Salt, Low-Fat, Heart Healthy FreebiesNeil and the boys got me a few fun things for Christmas: The book and ice pop molds were on my wish list, but still, they’ll never convince me that they weren’t selfishly-motivated with these purchases. It reminds me of the year I got Neil an answering machine because I wanted one. Or the year […]
Read More: Punch PopsI just put a batch of hooks in the oven to cure, and I figured I would take this opportunity to share with you something else I recently put in the oven that is not polymer clay, but actual honest-to-goodness edible food. This time of year, there is always a little bit of buzz in […]
Read More: Pumpkin (or Banana Maple) MuffinsToday is Neil’s birthday. After the summer he’s had, I wanted to do it up big for his birthday. I think I’m pretty good at providing a festive atmosphere and well-loved gifts for the boys’ birthdays, but Neil’s birthday has never really been as successful for me. Maybe it’s because we don’t usually have a […]
Read More: And Many More: a heart-healthy birthday cakeOne of the things that was waiting for me upon our return from the Boston area last Thursday was a book I had requested from the library: People’s Pops: 55 Recipes for Ice Pops, Shave Ice, and Boozy Pops from Brooklyn’s Coolest Pop Shop Nearly all of the recipes in this book follow a formula: fresh […]
Read More: Watermelon Cucumber SlushiesI’ve been in such a cooking rut lately. Once upon a time, I used to make actual meals that did not involve defrosting frozen stuff. I recently decided to blame my poor kitchen performance on the state of my recipe collection. It may not really be the reason, but it was there and I needed […]
Read More: Chicken and Pasta in Ginger SauceI first saw this on Pinterest with no source given. I found it repulsive in a can’t-avert-my-eyes kind of way, and so I google image searched my way to the original. I showed it to the one person in this house (other than me) who likes both pasta and hot dogs, and he was all […]
Read More: Spaghetti DogsLibby saw this salad in my Flickr photostream last week and requested the recipe, and since it’s been entirely too long around here, recipe-wise, I am gladly typing it up and sharing it right now. I found this salad years ago in one of my old favorite books, Vineyard Seasons by Susan Branch (used copies […]
Read More: Pine Nut SaladIt all started with a bag of apple “seconds,” a willing assistant, and a photo op. Eamonn was helping me break in our new apple peeler/corer/slicer, and I (of course) had the camera out for the occasion. “Let’s make a video,” said he, and before long we found ourselves embarking on a multi-part Flufy Makes […]
Read More: Make-Ahead Apple Pie