Oh, am I ever on a roll right now: Two more upgraded sewing patterns! They’re easier to read, and they’ll help you perk up a boring room.
Read More: UPGRADED: Pillows and BuntingOh, am I ever on a roll right now: Two more upgraded sewing patterns! They’re easier to read, and they’ll help you perk up a boring room.
Read More: UPGRADED: Pillows and BuntingFor so many years our family room kind of languished in beige-land, but now that we’ve finally started paying more attention to decorating it, I’m noticing something: the Clarkesworld propaganda is multiplying. Sure, Neil, go ahead and put up a couple of posters, I said. Little did I know at the time, Vistaprint was being […]
Read More: I need to step up my gameToday is Neil’s birthday. After the summer he’s had, I wanted to do it up big for his birthday. I think I’m pretty good at providing a festive atmosphere and well-loved gifts for the boys’ birthdays, but Neil’s birthday has never really been as successful for me. Maybe it’s because we don’t usually have a […]
Read More: And Many More: a heart-healthy birthday cakeI may have gone just a little bit banner crazy. I was in the middle of making letter tags to attach to my fabric bunting (because that’s what everyone does the day before a party when half of the house is still in need of a good cleaning, right?) when it occurred to me that […]
Read More: A banner dayWe’ve been on our own, the boys and I, since Thursday, when Neil left for the World Science Fiction Convention in Montreal. We have separations like this from time to time, but this has been the longest one. Even though we got to see him every day via Skype, we’re pretty much ready to have […]
Read More: Five daysWe have a birthday in the house today. A sweet little boy who was born at 5:52 pm, February 26th, 2000. Our Millennium Baby. Nine years go by so quickly. It seems like just yesterday we brought him home from the hospital. Just yesterday we were bleary-eyed from rocking a colicky baby to sleep two […]
Read More: Nine