It’s a roundup of the microblogging I’ve done on Flickr and Instagram all week. This includes photos I shot for Project 365 and any other extra images I may have posted.
Photos taken with 📷 (Canon EOS 80D ) or 📱 (Samsung Galaxy S9 ).
Ready? Cast your mind back to Saturday last week…
249/366 I’m trying to get better results from my Polaroid. I feel like the exposure compensation dial is the key. So I spent some time today taking photos with my Instax, noting what type of exposure it suggested, and using that reading to adjust the Polaroid. If this doesn’t work, I may have to temporarily declare defeat. The film is too expensive to have so many duds!
(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)
250/366 My niece, little Miss K, sitting on a swing and watching something fascinating on Daddy’s phone ♥
(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)
251/366 It’s a holiday, and yet here I am sitting at my desk. You can take the girl out of the office, but you can’t take the nerd out of the girl. At least I’m doing something I find fun: updating the tags and normalizing the volumes on my mp3 collection 😜 (I’m also crocheting and watching George Gently in my pajamas. Do I know how to relax or what?)
(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)
I wonder if I will ever finish this sweater. This is about a month of progress, and my enthusiasm is starting to fade 🤔
(View original post on Instagram.)
252/366 The fan is back in the window. Because it’s one of those days where the A/C would be overkill, but a breeze through the bedroom is appreciated.
(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)
Story for Tuesday
253/366 I’m still working from home these days. I like it this way.
(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)
Finished! Three pairs of flamingo pajamas for my Mom 🦩, sister 🦩, and I 🦩 for our upcoming girls weekend in Cape May (with just enough fabric leftover for three flamingo face masks) 😁
(View original post on Instagram.)
254/366 Another Thursday, another breakfast at my keyboard.
(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)
Story for Thursday
255/366 The beginning of a few days at the Jersey shore ♥
(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)
Story for Friday
Thanks for taking a peek at this week’s photos! If you want to see this stuff as it happens, please feel free to follow me on Flickr or Instagram ♥
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