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TWiP: Birds of my Neighborhood

This Week in Pictures, Week23, 2019

In my neighborhood in the spring and summer, if you sleep with the window open and find yourself awake at 4:30 or 5:00 in the morning, you will probably be surprised at the cacophony outside. Birds. In the early hours, the birdsong is so enthusiastic, it feels like you’re in the middle of a jungle. It’s pretty neat, and if I was actually truly awake enough at that hour, I’d record some of it and submit it to the BirdNET app for identification.

I started using that app one morning this week while brewing some front step coffee, and have discovered that we have particularly noisy Carolina Wrens (which, not really being a bird person myself, I had never actually heard of until now). You learn something new every day.

We also have a woodpecker, and a nest of baby robins, all of which were in my photos this week.

P.S. I pilfered an album title from the innocence mission to name this post. I hope they don’t mind 🐦🐦

So, what is This Week in Pictures?

It’s a roundup of the microblogging I’ve done on Flickr and Instagram all week. This includes photos I shot for Project 365 and any other extra images I may have posted.

Photos taken with 📷 (Canon EOS 80D) or 📱 (Samsung Galaxy S7).

Ready? Cast your mind back to this time last week…


I think peony season is coming to an end in my yard. I cut a few this morning, but they’re not exactly the cream of the crop at this point…

(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)


It’s a beautiful day in New Jersey, perfect for a Sunday morning drive 😍. I stopped to smell the flowers. Note, I did not buy the flowers because I have a black thumb and they would die. But I did stop to smell them, take their picture, and then buy myself a crumb bun 😁

(View original post on Instagram.)

I feel like this is a good use of a Sunday afternoon.

(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)


This guy. He was going to town on that tree stump. But that’s ok, because usually he’s pecking my house. A tree stump is a big improvement as far as I’m concerned.

(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)


It must be Bird Week around here, because today we found a nest of baby robins in the tree right next to our dining room window! Three fuzzy little guys in there. Still too little to make any noise or open their eyes.

(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)


Oh, I am going to have so much fun with this! I’m going to document this summer in instant film 😍 But first, I have to wait for the second hand Instax Mini I bought on eBay to arrive. Tomorrow, I hope!

(View original post on Instagram.)

I nearly forgot to take my daily photo today, so it’s a good thing that I came upstairs to find this pretty scene. It’s also a good thing that I didn’t accidentally burn down the house, leaving that candle unattended there like that…

(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)


I switched out my “knitting on the bed” watch face for my “sitting at the desk” watch face because I need to focus and get stuff done. It’s symbolic, but every little thing helps sometimes!

(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)

Have you seen our new neighbors, the Robin triplets? They opened their eyes today 😍

(View original post on Instagram.)


I drive past this pretty spot a lot during my lunch hour wandering. I always want to stop and take a picture, and today I finally did.

(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)

Thanks for taking a peek at this week’s photos! If you want to see this stuff as it happens, please feel free to follow me on Flickr or Instagram ♥

SAME WEEK PREVIOUS YEARS (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018)

This Week in Pictures, Week 23, 2015 This Week in Pictures, Week 23, 2016 This Week in Pictures, Week 23, 2017 This Week in Pictures, Week 23, 2018


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