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We have a winner!

Call me ClayopatraThe Pocket Full of Posies Giveaway has come to an end. This time it was the biggest of the three evil henchmen who chose the winner, and he selected Penny! Congratulations, Penny. I’ll get your goodies in the mail to you in the next few days Big Grin

Penny and I know each other from a mothers’ online message board – we have unusual 7-year-olds in common (seen below, although they look relatively normal in the photo…). Additionally, Penny was the designer of the “You May Call Me… CLAYOPATRA” t-shirt.

At the Crayola Factory, August 2006

I thought I’d point out that Penny also has a Yahoo! Group that might be of interest to some of you. It’s called Born on This Date. Every day Penny posts a biographical entry about the life of a woman who was born on that day in history. Some of the stories are fascinating. I’ve never been much of a scholar of history, but I can enjoy it on a personal level such as this, learning about a single person at a time and seeing how her life impacted the world. If you’re interested, drop by the group’s home page and sign up.

Short and sweet today. Hope you’re all having a Happy Thursday!



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4 thoughts on “We have a winner!

  1. Thank you, Lisa! Wow, very exciting to get goodies in the mail, anytime of year, but especially in the dreaded August. You’ll make my day!

    Yes, anyone is invited to subscribe at Born on this Date–consider yourself invited. (Mention Polka Dot Creations or Lisa in your subscription message so I know where you’re from.) Lisa described it well. The women are from anywhere, anytime, and the only criteria for inclusion are that I can find an image and that I feel like writing about them. So, there are a good number of scientists, athletes, artists, suffragists, writers…silent film actresses, opera divas, dancers, doctors, nurses, legislators, businesswomen, etc. etc. etc. (The image on the Clayopatra t-shirt is silent film vamp Theda Bara, who was featured at BOTD one day in 2005.)

    And yes, we both have 7-year-olds with certain compatibilities. Nell was in the park playing Pokemon today, with three little boys. She was barefoot, in a tankini.

  2. Heh. My little weirdo has been wearing the ultraman sleep shorts I made him to go swimming in the back yard. I was going to post a picture of our strange children together, but I wasn’t sure how you felt about the public forum… I’ll get yer goodies out to you soon 🙂

  3. You have my permission to post the pic of our kids together. As long as they’re not half-dressed, as they apparently both were today. Thank goodness for sunscreen…

  4. Done. Fully-clothed 🙂

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