There’s a relatively new Goodwill store within 1/2-hour of home, so we all hopped in the van today and took a field trip. I was hoping to find a funky sheet to use for the swap. What I found was this very neutral taupe sheet – not exactly funky, but sometimes neutral is good – […]
Read More: Thrifty stitchesTag: skirts
I like my skirts fast and cheap: a tutorial

If you have a bed sheet from the thrift shop and the ability to sew a straight line, you can make yourself this fast and cheap skirt!
Read More: I like my skirts fast and cheap: a tutorialBe my Valentine

I mentioned in passing a while back that I had made an agreement with myself that I would not make a single skirt until I’d lost 5 lbs? Admittedly, that’s an easier deal to make with oneself in the middle of winter when one would prefer to be bundled up in cozy sweatpants and would […]
Read More: Be my ValentineMust be Santa

I’ve been skirt-making again! This time I went back to my roots of using the Sew What! Skirts method, and I used Alexander Henry’s Merry Christmas Santa fabric. And now, as I sit here in a pair of very seasonally inappropriate lounge pants, I am struck by just how much I need to use this […]
Read More: Must be SantaLeaf me alone

So the lawn guys were here today cleaning up two weeks-worth of leaves. They did a great job on the lawn, the sidewalk and the driveway. And speaking of the driveway, guess where most of the driveway leaves got blown? Yeah, oh so conveniently onto the car. And up against the garage door. Neil was […]
Read More: Leaf me aloneColor me impressed
I had no idea the color would be so vibrant! I’m guessing that’s what happens when you actually follow the instructions that comes with the dye . All of my previous experience with dye has been pretty much a matter of throwing the garments in a dye bucket, swirling it around now and then, […]
Read More: Color me impressedI love it when he rips his pants
Yep, another knee blown out, another skirt for me. Woo hoo! Neil came home from Capclave Sunday night with the news that he’d worn through the knee on another pair of pants. I’m sorry for his wardrobe’s loss, but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t good news for my wardrobe. I know I […]
Read More: I love it when he rips his pants