One of my oldest friends is having a birthday party for her 6-year-old at the bowling alley tomorrow, and of course the first thing I thought was “I have a skirt for that!” I made my skirt back in August, but I haven’t actually been bowling in many many years. I even made a couple […]
Read More: Going bowlingTag: alexander henry
Must be Santa
I’ve been skirt-making again! This time I went back to my roots of using the Sew What! Skirts method, and I used Alexander Henry’s Merry Christmas Santa fabric. And now, as I sit here in a pair of very seasonally inappropriate lounge pants, I am struck by just how much I need to use this […]
Read More: Must be SantaLeaf me alone
So the lawn guys were here today cleaning up two weeks-worth of leaves. They did a great job on the lawn, the sidewalk and the driveway. And speaking of the driveway, guess where most of the driveway leaves got blown? Yeah, oh so conveniently onto the car. And up against the garage door. Neil was […]
Read More: Leaf me alone