Have I ever shown you our car? I know you’ve seen the van. It gets all of the attention for its uncanny ability to be in the right place at the (almost comically) wrong time. The car, though, has had no such bad luck. It just sits there in the driveway being quietly dependable. Initially, […]
Read More: Out to pastureTag: grand prix
Tush cushion
There’s a road trip in my not-so-distant future, and it involves my 10-year-old car, which I do love, but which also causes a fair amount of discomfort on any drive that lasts longer than an hour. It’s the kind of thing you wouldn’t notice tooling around town, but sit in the same spot for too […]
Read More: Tush cushionLeaf me alone
So the lawn guys were here today cleaning up two weeks-worth of leaves. They did a great job on the lawn, the sidewalk and the driveway. And speaking of the driveway, guess where most of the driveway leaves got blown? Yeah, oh so conveniently onto the car. And up against the garage door. Neil was […]
Read More: Leaf me alone