It’s the end of an era, here at Polka Dot Cottage, as we bid farewell to a true fixture around these parts: my van.
Read More: A little send-offTag: montana
File under ironic
It’s no secret that my van has seen it’s share of wrong-place-wrong-time accidents: one for every year since 2008, in fact. I guess we were due for a little 2011 mishap, but when the tree (our vehicles’ most imminent threat) came down on Thursday, I allowed myself to feel a twinge of optimism that we’d avoided such a […]
Read More: File under ironicOut to pasture
Have I ever shown you our car? I know you’ve seen the van. It gets all of the attention for its uncanny ability to be in the right place at the (almost comically) wrong time. The car, though, has had no such bad luck. It just sits there in the driveway being quietly dependable. Initially, […]
Read More: Out to pastureDamage Magnet
If I didn’t know better…
Remember this from 1.5 years ago? It was the first time we’d had any major damage to one of our cars. The door was replaced within a week, though, and all was right with the vehicular world. Well, if I didn’t know better, I’d say there was a god of van doors, and that he […]
Read More: If I didn’t know better…The sound of chainsaws in the morning
I think I’m over my pity party regarding my van. Thank you for attending . Now I’m just struck by the immenseness of all this. That’s a whole lotta tree. It’s awfully cool in a “destructive force of nature that thankfully hurt no one” kind of way. Look at the size of that tree trunk! […]
Read More: The sound of chainsaws in the morningGutsy gusts and such
There’s a wind storm here tonight. Look what happened to my poor, beautiful van. A really big tree came down and knocked into another tree, which dropped a big branch onto the van. The original fallen tree is stretched across our driveway and half of our front yard, blocking us in. I’m thankful that it […]
Read More: Gutsy gusts and such