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TWiP: Winding the Bobbin

This Week in Pictures, Week 24, 2019

Every summer, it seems, I get the urge to drag out the sewing machine and make myself a couple of tops or dresses. This year the Barefoot Summer Sheath Dress is back. At some point in the next few days, I would like to set up a back yard photo shoot and show you properly what I’ve been working on. But for now, this will have to do!

So, what is This Week in Pictures?

It’s a roundup of the microblogging I’ve done on Flickr and Instagram all week. This includes photos I shot for Project 365 and any other extra images I may have posted.

Photos taken with 📷 (Canon EOS 80D) or 📱 (Samsung Galaxy S7).

Ready? Cast your mind back to this time last week…


My first foray into instant film photography ♥

(View original post on Instagram.)

I spent a lot of time on one computer or another today, so now I’m unwinding and going analog for a while.

(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)


My oldest nephew lives 800 miles away, but he’s visiting this week. It was our first opportunity to get a picture of all five of my parents’ grandchildren together. There’s a 15-year age gap between the youngest boy and the only girl, so it’s basically four men and a baby ☺

(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)

Story for Sunday


Rainy day heart

(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)


Our baby birds are all grown up. Just a few minutes after I took this photo, this one took flight.

(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)


After a rough few minues where I couldn’t remember how to wind the bobbin, I finally got started sewing a summer dress for myself.

(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)


Another rainy day at the office.

(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)

I sewed a dress last night. And then I thought about it all day, and I decided I need to rip out the neck, arms, and shoulders, if I truly want to be happy wearing it. So, tonight I’m ripping out a bunch of seams and trying again.

(View original post on Instagram.)


So, this is the dress I sewed this week. There was some ripping out, rethinking, and resewing, but I am happy with the end result. And I have this dingy, dirty-mirror bathroom selfie to prove it.

(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)

Thanks for taking a peek at this week’s photos! If you want to see this stuff as it happens, please feel free to follow me on Flickr or Instagram ♥

SAME WEEK PREVIOUS YEARS (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018)

This Week in Pictures, Week 24, 2015 This Week in Pictures, Week 24, 2016 This Week in Pictures, Week 24, 2017 This Week in Pictures, Week 24, 2018


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