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Vacation Sewing

Neil and I are going to Scotland in August, and I was thinking about what to wear on the trip. Jeans? Check. Funky colorful shoes? Check. A week’s worth of colorful handmade tops in colors that coordinate well with the funky shoes? Eh, not really.

So, I went shopping. Picked out three plaids and three florals, and sewed myself six new tops, using two tried-and-true patterns.

And then I had a photo shoot outside on a 90-degree day, and did six costume changes, including glasses and earrings, so that I could share these new lovelies on my blog. Come and see!

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The middle cool thing in a list of otherwise undesirable tasks

I’ve been thinking lately about sheath dresses and breezy summer tops and knowing my handmade wardrobe could use a little makeover. So…

I cleaned off my sewing machine, which was no small feat. It had spent the last four years gathering dust at the foot of my bed, and let me tell you, it gathered dust really well. If you ever wonder why I let four years go by between sewing sessions, it can usually be explained by the effort it takes to set up and break down the sewing area.

It started with an idea to turn my Barefoot Summer Sheath pattern into an ankle length dress, perfect for effervescent Summer entertaining. And it ended with said dress, five new tops, and a pair of PJ shorts. Seven items, six of which I will show and tell now, if you care to read on!

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Two Dresses. And Then Two More.

Two Barefoot Summer Sheath Dresses

It’s summer, so naturally I have gotten in the mood to supplement my handmade wardrobe. There was once a time when I loved sewing and I did quite a bit of it, but now I see it more as a means to an end. I love having a handmade wardrobe, and the most efficient way to add to it is to spend a few nights sewing. So, once or twice a year I do that.

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TWiP: Flowers and Five Years

This Week in Pictures, Week 25, 2019

This week marks the fifth anniversary of TWiP 🙂 Every week, I look back at the previous years’ posts and see how much has changed (and surprisingly, how much has NOT.) Sometimes, I admit, it’s a pain in the neck to come here on a Saturday morning and post this roundup, but I’m always glad I did, because Future Me would miss it if she didn’t have this week to look back on someday.

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