Posted on 7 Comments

Friday Photo Love. and gadgets.

I’m feeling like some kind of addict for the last week or so – I can’t get enough of widgets and gadgets and refreshing my pages… it’s getting out of hand.  So, I’m just going to show you my favorite photos for the week, point you to a few of the widgetey things you might want to know about, and then turn this computer completely off.  Usually I just leave the laptop on, and walk away from it.  Today, I think it requires an actual shutdown to keep me honest.

I don’t know what it is about this week, but I almost feel the need for a  social networking 12-step program!  Geez.

So, here’s my flickr mosaic:


Maybe it’s the crisp air these last few nights & mornings talking, but I see some colors of fall creeping into my favorites…  Note to self: a vase of late summer wildflowers would really hit the spot – maybe some zinnias?

My own favorite photo for the week:


I don’t really know why I like this one so much – I took it on a day that felt gloomy and gray, one day in a string of several rainy days, but I don’t get that dreary feeling when I look at it.  It has a softness to it, and yet the raindrops on the leaves are still crisp.

Ok, so quickly before I cut myself off here, these are a few things you might want to know about:

  • A new “sharing” area at the bottom of each post.  I attempted to include the most obvious social bookmarking options, but if your favorite is missing, let me know.  You can also just hover over the green ShareThis button, and it will give you a larger list of sharing sites.
  • I added a Google Friend Connect gadget to the sidebar. I don’t know if any of you use that regularly on other sites, but if you do, it’s there for you.  At least, it’s there unless I decide it is being under-used.  Then it goes.  That sidebar real estate is precious!
  • I am thoughtful lately about Facebook’s role in my life.  I’m leaning towards less is more, at this point, and a personal page should be a personal page. In that spirit, I decided to create a separate fan page for this blog.  If you read Polka Dot Cottage via my Facebook profile, and would miss it if it went away (which it likely will), then you should “like” this page.  Actually, any of you who are active on Facebook (whether you have friended my personal profile or not) are welcome to like Polka Dot Cottage on Facebook.

Ok, that’s it.  I am going to obsessively reload this page for 30 minutes waiting for comments and seeing if anyone added themselves to the fan boxes.  Er, I mean I’m going to shut down the computer and do something in the Real World.

Definitely the second thing I said.  Probably.  Maybe?  Definitely.  I think.

Argh.  000help-flickr


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Posted on 7 Comments

7 thoughts on “Friday Photo Love. and gadgets.

  1. My contribution this week is all my own photos from our recent trip to Scotland:

  2. That Yellowstone flare? A.MA.ZING! Thanks for the great find!

    Here’s my Friday Photo Love submission.

  3. love the bookshelf pic, with my shelves looked that good.

    here’s my group. thanks!!

  4. Those lily pads are so pretty, it almost looks like a painting…
    Here’s my Friday Photo Love.

  5. Wow, you all had such great photos in your mosaics, that I *already* have more favorites for next week than I did this week, just by picking out what I liked from yours!

  6. ok. so i thought i was the only one with the tweeking issue. apparently not! yay! i don’t feel so alone. mine is with colors, backgrounds, and buttons– on the blog of course.
    sorry about the car- again. what about parking it inside the garage? !)

    1. Oh, no, I’ve got the tweaking bug, and I’ve got it bad. Not sure there’s a cure…

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