This week marks the fifth anniversary of TWiP 🙂 Every week, I look back at the previous years’ posts and see how much has changed (and surprisingly, how much has NOT.) Sometimes, I admit, it’s a pain in the neck to come here on a Saturday morning and post this roundup, but I’m always glad I did, because Future Me would miss it if she didn’t have this week to look back on someday.
Read More: TWiP: Flowers and Five YearsTag: savage heart cardigan
TWiP: Wind in my hair
If I took away anything from this week, it’s that I need to find myself somewhere flat and scenic to ride a bike. And then I need to get a bike.
Read More: TWiP: Wind in my hairTWiP: Checking in From the Road
I’m in Ocean City right now 😊 P.S. I’m posting from a mobile device, so I’m linking directly to Instagram and Flickr for these images. It’s a lot easier this way. When I’m back at my desk, I’ll re-do this post properly and add in the Instagram Stories, too 😃 (Done!) So, what is This […]
Read More: TWiP: Checking in From the RoadTWiP: Nerding Out, Yet Again
Some weeks I am so preoccupied with other things, it’s impressive that I even remembered to take a daily photo at all, let alone make it interesting or unique in some way…
Read More: TWiP: Nerding Out, Yet Again