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UPGRADED: Pillows and Bunting

Banners and Pillowcases, sewing tutorials from Polka Dot Cottage

Hey. So, you know how I upgraded the Spring Wrap Skirt last week? And then unified all of my pattern offerings across a bunch of different shops? I am really on a roll lately, because I took two more sewing patterns and upgraded them, too!

When I start working on one section of the shop, I find I can’t stop until I’ve gotten it all up to snuff. Last year, I did that with the yarn-based eBooks, and now it seems to be fabric’s turn.

I don’t know how familiar you are with these tutorials, but lemme tell you a little bit about them.
Mix and Match Pillows, a sewing tutorial from Polka Dot Cottage

First we’ve got the pillows. Do you remember when I made all of these pillows? It was right after Neil’s heart attack, and we were spending a lot of time hanging out as a family in our big room downstairs. The hanging out together was really nice, but the room was less than inspiring, and all of that beige was getting to me. So I perked it up with some colorful pillow covers, and I documented the process (of course!) so I could share what I did.

It’s almost three years later now, and I still love my family room pillows.

This tutorial walks you through the process of making an envelope-style pillowcase, and gives you plenty of advice along the way for choosing colors and fabrics. You can get all of the details here.

Reversible Party Bunting, sewing tutorial from Polka Dot Cottage

After the pillowcases, I had to do something with all of the leftover fabric, and some banners seemed like a fun idea. I know I called them “party bunting” but frankly ours are out all of the time, no party required.

The tutorial shows you how to make a template and use it to create uniform pennants which are then strung together. There’s advice for choosing colors and fabrics, as well as help determining just how long to make your banner(s). You can get all of those details here.

230/365 August 17

If you want to see more views of this room (and the pillows + banners that live here), I have spoken a little bit before about making it over. It was featured on the Wee Design Group blog, too, and there are a lot of pictures there.

If you have a room that could use a splash of color, grab a stack of coordinating fat quarters and get to sewing ✂

These two eBooks are available in PDF format here in the Download Shop, Etsy, and Craftsy. You can also get them for your Kindle at Amazon, your Nook at Barnes & Noble, and you other eReader devices at Kobo.

[bctt tweet=”Bored by your space? Give it a makeover w/ colorful pillows and banners! #tutorial”]

By the way, hanging out in the Sewing section of my Download shop over the past week has gotten me in the mood to write another pattern/tutorial. I’ll be experimenting with my idea over the next few days, but if all goes well, sometime soon you’ll be hearing about a little design that may or may not be called “Fancy Pants: Custom-Fit Loungewear to Sew.”

I’ve got the title and the cover pretty much figured out. It’s all of that stuff in the middle (aka the content of the book) that I’m not quite sure about yet… 😜


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