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Hacklebarney State Park

Early this month, on a quiet Sunday, Neil and I consulted the Adventure Map and chose a park we’d never been to before: Hacklebarney State Park. And it was awesome.

We took a lot of pictures (and this isn’t even all of them). I had my phone and my 35mm camera with a roll of CineStill 400D in it, and I lent Neil my DSLR camera. Between the two of us and our three devices, I think we adequately captured the beauty of the place 😀

I took these with my phone

As you can probably see, this park is full of gigantic boulders and waterfalls. It’s beautiful. I preferred to enjoy the waterfalls from a sturdy spot near the top, while Neil climbed down the rocks with wild abandon to see the falls up close.

He’s always adventurous and brave, when it comes to stuff like this, while I’ve got enough nervousness for both of us😜

Neil took these with my DSLR

(And I edited them in Lightroom, so team effort!)

The day we went it was 90 degrees, humid, and we had forgotten to bring any water. Smart, I know 🙄 So we didn’t follow the whole trail. We went just shy of halfway, and then turned around. Next time, we need to go on a cooler day (I bet it would be so lovely in the Autumn!) and bring a few bottles of water with us.

I took these with my 35mm SLR

Once again, I am so happy with the look of the CineStill film. I’ve put more of this on my wish list, because it is hands-down my favorite of the film stocks I’ve tried so far 🥰

And this place? I loved the vibe. It felt secluded, solitary, and far from civilization, despite the dozens of other people around. I love places like that, but I also find them a little bit scary. I’m definitely going back, as long as I have someone to go with me. It’s just beautiful, with the full canopy of trees, and the mossy boulders, and the babbling of the brook, and the gushing waterfalls, and, and, and!


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