It’s a roundup of the little (and big!) moments I have captured all week. Some of these images are posted on Instagram, but many aren’t posted anywhere but here. Some days there may be no photos, and other days there may be multiples. It’s more laid back than the Project 365s of previous years. You can learn more here 🙂
Here’s a very short video, featuring 1.5-second moments from the week:
I stayed over at Mom’s house last night, and spent the night in my old bedroom. It’s a lot nicer looking now than it was when teenage me was in charge of wall color and decor 😜New project! I’m working on a table decoration for the coffee table my mother is planning to make. We’re choosing colors as I go, to coordinate with the festive rug. Next time I visit, we’ll add a few more stripes, and keep going until it feels done 😊My mom gave me an old box that belonged to my grandparents. My instant photos fit nicely inside. Or, they will once I organize them a bit better 😁A quick visit to the Swamp this afternoon.
The only crochet hooks I have left in stock! I’m in a hook-making mood, so I’ll be adding some new ones this week.
Antique bottles on the kitchen window sill.
I have not been able to get my mind off of hook making today! I have a Day Job, so I can’t just drop everything and indulge these maker itches, but luckily there is such a thing as a lunch break 😁. I got started on 3 of the 6 I wanted to make, so that’s something. The rest will keep until I shut down my office laptop later today 🙂.
Five new Boye hooks with Jubilee Cane handles 😍
It’s a beautiful sweater weather morning 💙. Despite what my shirt may say, I will not be crocheting all day. My soul belongs to the Day Job until about 4:30pm. But after that, it’s a four day weekend full of opportunities to be creative 🤩. (There will also be opportunities to clean up after all of the water Ida dumped on us, but that’s a lot less fun to think about.)
Thanks for helping me celebrate the week! If you want to see this stuff as it happens, please feel free to follow me on Instagram ♥