More than half of the people in the USA breathed a collective sigh of relief this week as a new President took office. And, on a less nationally significant note, I finished a blanket I started back in April of 2015 🙂
It’s a roundup of the little (and big!) moments I have captured all week. Most of these images are posted on Instagram, but others aren’t posted anywhere but here. Some days there may be no photos, and other days there may be multiples. It’s more laid back than the Project 365s of previous years. You can learn more here 🙂
Here’s a very short video, featuring 1.5-second moments from the week:
An excess of pandemic-related caution has prevented me from dropping in on my mom today, which, in addition to missing out on a nice visit, also means I can’t pick up Dad’s blanket to work on. So, I’m pulling out the old #pdcfamilyroomsquircleghan WIP to keep me busy this weekend. I’m out of one key color, though. I’ve just done a deep dive into my two buckets of #berrocovintage but couldn’t find any Tide Pool. This, coincidentally, is an important color in finishing the extensions to Dad’s blanket, too, so I guess it’s time to troll all of the online yarn shops and hope that I turn some up! Wish me luck 🤞 (UPDATE: I found some at @woolandcompany 🥳)
Hello from @starbucks_gillette curbside pickup 👋🏻. Part of me hopes that after the pandemic is over, all of the businesses that are letting you get stuff delivered to your car continue to do so. I love it! On the other hand, the part of me that knows how much of my daily exercise actually comes from getting out of the car and walking through doors to get what I want, hopes this excuse to be lazy goes away as soon as it’s safe to do so 🤣