Posted on 8 Comments

An end to the (almost) silence

Table at Saturday's vendor thingy

Whew.  Glad that‘s over.  Interesting as it was to try and take reasonably compelling photos of everyday tasks and let them speak for themselves here, I do prefer being able to sit down for a while in the evenings with my thoughts and share a bit.  And that includes words.  Often many of them.

So, I’m back, and it’s been a busy busy weekend!  If you are reading this after picking up one of my business cards yesterday or today, let me welcome you to Polka Dot Cottage! This section of my website is where you will find my blog, which I tend to update every day or two.  If you’re looking for the things I make to sell, you can find them in the shop.  There’s a link to the shop at the top of every page.

I’m glad you’re here, and I hope you’ll stick around and enjoy the conversation!

Table at Saturday's vendor thingy

And the rest of you?  Well, I’m glad you’re here, too 🙂

(Oh, and before I forget, I have spent all of my spare non-vendoring-time this weekend messing around with a new feature for the blog, which I hope to post about in some detail this week.  If you’re curious, just wander over the the right sidebar there and check out the Facebook Connect section.)

Now where was I?  Oh, yes.  Vendor Land.  You’re looking at scenes from yesterday’s vendor event, which took place at Assumption School in Wood-Ridge, NJ – my old childhood stomping grounds.  It was a somewhat slow day, but I did make decent sales, and was able to catch up with some friends I hadn’t seen in many years.  It was worth the trip ( and possibly even the less-than-stellar Friday night I had, sleeping on my parents’ couch).

Table at Saturday's vendor thingy

I made the tablecloth on Friday (yeah, just call me Last Minute Lisa) out of a pair of twin size sheets from Target.  I love this color!  And with the leftover sheet piece, I made a smaller tablecloth for the little fold-up table I like to keep in the back of my display for my “check out” station.

The banner was made using some conveniently polka dotted fabric from my stash, and a few sheets of printable cotton on which I had printed my logo.  I pieced the whole thing together, sewed a backing onto it, and used some clay discs I made, with pins on the back, to attach the banner to the front of the tablecloth.

I’m very pleased with the way everything came out!

Table at Sunday's vendor thingy

Then today was Breakfast With Santa at St. Vincent DePaul Church in my current town of Stirling, NJ.  This time my display was set up in a 6th grade classroom on a mass of pushed-together desks.  Good thing I had a couple of custom-made and very versatile tablecloths, LOL!

My helper with my necklace tree.

And since I had access to an outlet, I plugged in the tacky tinsel tree I bought at Target on Friday, and added a little festivity to the table.  Aidan was with me for this event, and he suggested that I hang some necklaces on the tree to liven it up a bit. Smart kid.

This, too, was an event that wasn’t as brisk as it has been in the past, but it was still worth the effort.

Now, I think I’ve rambled on enough tonight!  I’m hoping to make a big dent in my to-do list tomorrow so that I can start my Christmas decorating.  So looking forward to that!  As is Eamonn, who asks me just about every day now, “can we put up the tree?”

Soon, kid.  Really soon.


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Posted on 8 Comments

8 thoughts on “An end to the (almost) silence

  1. It all looks so great! And who is calling the tinsel tree tacky? Tinsel trees are awesome. I’m looking for a vintage 6 footer that doesn’t cost a fortune. Yay for tinsel trees!

    See what Sarah Jackson has been blogging about: San Francisco, city of my heart

    1. Oh, I meant “tacky” in a good way. The same way that “tacky santa” is oh, so very good.

  2. Lisa, your set up looks fabulous! Lovin’ your banner!!!

    See what Chris has been blogging about: huge blog giveaway on daily art muse!

    1. Thanks! I’m so happy to be able to make a banner now that isn’t just paper 🙂

  3. Good to hear you’ll be back chatting to us!

    I like how you got your booth setup and that’s clever sewing a couple sheets together. I was so thrilled when I found a whole stack of black queen flat sheets on sale that I just bought 4 or 5 of them. I never could find the sea green that I wanted in the ‘on sale’ sheets and now I’ve got everything set with the black and white.

    Maybe table runners…

    See what Elaine has been blogging about: The Craft Show Cheer

    1. Do you have Target in Canada? I know it’s probably too late, since you’re all settled in with black, but I got my sheets at Target for $7, and that’s their regular price.

  4. Love your banner! Smart tablecloth too! And the tinsel tree is awesome!

    See what nikki/whimsylove has been blogging about: SNOW?? On my blog??

    1. Thanks! I’ve got the tinsel tree in my living room now (although I’m going to have to find some small ornaments for it – the ones I have are huge in comparison to the size of the tree!)

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