Posted on 13 Comments

Methinks it’s break time

I’ve been making things and photographing them, but they’re still sitting on the camera. Everyone’s done with school for the year, the store is closed, and my routine is completely out the window. I’m barely turning my computer on this week, let alone sitting down to write. In fact, in the time it’s taken me to write this small paragraph, I’ve eaten lunch and paused many many times to listen to something one or the other little boy has to say. There doesn’t seem to be much time available for concentration around here right now. Daytime blogging is just not happening.

And nighttime? Nope. With our new plethora of tv channels, my evenings have been spent sitting on the couch staying up until 1am watching bad movies such as Code Red: The Rubicon Conspiracy, viewing documentaries like Rise of the Video Game, and learning What not to Wear. Twice. Hopefully the novelty will wear off soon icon_biggrin-flickr-8

I’m off to print out some recipes for a cookbook I am making. Have a wonderful few days, and a Merry Christmas, if you are so inclined (as I am!). I’ll be back after the dust settles…


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Posted on 13 Comments

13 thoughts on “Methinks it’s break time

  1. I don’t know if the novelty will wear off on What Not to Wear or not. I am still captivated everytime I am channel surfing and it is on. However, I rarely even bother turning it on anymore.

    We have been watching Rise of the Video Game as well…on TiVo.

    Have a great Christmas!

    1. I have to say, I really identified with the tie-dye mom who wore pajama bottoms to a PTA meeting, LOL! That could easily have been me…

      Merry Christmas to you, too!

  2. Have a wonderful, warm, love filled Christmas Lisa. Try not to fry your eyes with TOO much TV 🙂 See you when you get back online!

    1. Thanks, Kathi! The box is off at the moment. Ahhhh. Peace.

  3. Merry Christmas to you, Neil, and the boys, Lisa! Thanks for sharing so much fun with us on your blog…it’s like a little present every time you post.

    1. Aw, thanks, Diane! Merry Christmas to you, too!

  4. Merry Christmas to you and yours Lisa!…and thank you for giving me a place to come and feel at home!…Our Celebrations start today with my Mother in Law and Grandchildren coming….need to run now and get the Pumpkin Pie in the oven!!…. 🙂

    1. and my dear daughter too…..

  5. shoot…not her in the oven too…she will be coming….see where my brain is????…

    1. Hahaha! I can identify! I’m so glad you like dropping in here – it makes me feel nice to hear things like that! Have a wonderful time with your family, and try to keep the people out of the oven 😉

  6. Merry Christmas Lisa! Your family deserves a little of your time too (although I do really enjoy your Blog!!!). I decided it was break time for me too and made a similar announcement on mine. So you all have a joyous holiday season and drink a couple of glasses of Eggnog for me!!!

    See what Lisa has been blogging about: Until Next Year…

    1. I really do enjoy throwing my routine completely out for a few weeks every year, but I have a feeling by January 1st I’ll be chomping at the bit for to get back to some normalcy 🙂

      Hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas!

  7. Lisa, I wanted to pop in and wish you and your family a very merry Christmas and a warm fun and laughter filled rest of the holiday!

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