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This post is brought to you by an army of three-and-four-year-olds in costumes. My four-year-old brought Frankincense.

Our Little Wise Man

Today I’m waiting for the Verizon guy to come and install FiOS. It could be an all-day event, since we are likely not to be properly wired. We’ve been a strictly 8-channel (or 10, if you count the fuzzy-reception, foreign ones) household since before we were married. Why, when I am trying to be more conscious of screen time, are we adding 200 channels to our repertoire? Strictly financial. It costs less to have internet, phone & tv all bundled together with one company than it does to have just phone and just internet from two different places.

That’s not to say I won’t enjoy me some HGTV and SciFi Channel icon_wink-flickr-8-2

Our Little Wise Man

I’m also waiting for fabric to arrive. I ordered some more Santa fabric like my skirt, so I could make pj’s for the boys. I also ordered some Look & Learn prints to make last-minute lap blankets for the boys (an idea I came up with after they spent an afternoon playing with a table runner…). And I also bought some crushed velvetesque stuff to make myself a Christmas shirt. I would love to spend the time that I am waiting for the Verizon guy getting some of the necessary crafting off of my list, but that’s kind of hard if I’m still waiting for the supplies to get here.

Our Little Wise Man

Ah, well. Advent is a season of waiting, isn’t it? Although, if I truly think that fabric and tv are what they meant, then my Catholic school teachers were falling down on the job all those years icon_wink-flickr-8-2

Remember three days ago, when I observed there were 8 days left and I was cool as a cucumber? I’m a bit more stressed out at this point. That began when I spread out all of the things I’ve bought/made on the bed and discovered there were HUGE gaps I needed to fill. And I’m losing today to waiting. Luckily I’m done with the kids, aside from the two sewing projects I mentioned. It’s everyone else that’s causing me trouble. I may end up at my old standby, but even with that I’d better hurry!


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3 thoughts on “Waiting

  1. what a very handsome wise man you have in your family! You have my sympathy for not having everything done before the big Day. Makes me very happy I am Jewish 😀 The insanity of this season is…well for lack of a better word…INSANE! I hope you get everything done in time!

    See what Kathi has been blogging about: It was a cold foggy day

    1. I like to think that we keep the insanity to a minimum around here 😉 I honestly find it very easy to assemble a small collection of nice things for the kids, and although it’s slightly more of a challenge, it’s not too bad buying for Neil, either. Where I have problems is with extended family, and even that would be pretty simple if I didn’t have a business running me ragged for the first two weeks of December.

      After some computer time today, I’m in much better shape now than I was this morning. Gotta love I used to have a problem giving gift cards, but now I feel like it’s ok, as long as I give them with something handmade, and I give them for something relatively specific (as opposed to something general like WalMart).

      And now that we have 200+ channels, it will be nice and easy to occupy the children while Santa wraps their presents 😉

  2. […] the first time ever that Neil and I get to watch Stargate: Atlantis as it airs. Woo hoo! Finally having more than 10 channels has its perks. Util now, we’ve had to wait a year for each season to come out on […]

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