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TWiP: Work. And some play, too.

So, what is This Week in Pictures?

It’s a roundup of the photos I shot for Project 365 (the theme for 2017 is “words”), plus some snapshots I posted on Instagram during the previous week.

📷 = taken with my Canon DSLR
📱 = taken with my Samsung phone

Ready? Cast your mind back to this time last week…



365 📱: 2017 56/365 – No Smoking – Eamonn and I went to Old Navy, then Starbucks, and then one last stop at the gas station. We were running on fumes. [Taken at the gas station.]



365 📷: 2017 57/365 – Happy 17th Birthday – A decade ago, when Aidan was really into Ultraman, I wrote "Happy 7th Birthday, Ultra Aidan!" on his cake. He’s not quite the fanatic he once was, but I couldn’t resist the Ultra Aidan reference for his 17th birthday today 😛



365 📱: 2017 58/365 – Toffee Pretzel – One of these little chocolate bars is the perfect afternoon snack 🙂 [Taken at work.]



365 📷: 2017 59/365 – Strike On Box Matches – I think it’s time to light my favorite candle. Like I do almost every night 🙂



365 📱: 2017 60/365 – rainy day – If I could have, I’d have spent a few hours today curled up in a cozy chair, reading, knitting, or just plain dozing off. [Taken at work.]



365 📱: 2017 61/365 – Notes – I sketched out the "before" of a web page I need to change, so I could scribble all over it with my ideas. [Taken at work.]

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Getting my ripple on 😊

A post shared by Lisa Clarke (@lclarke522) on



365 📷: 2017 62/365 – Jeopardy – There’s a huge Jeopardy fan in my family. He spent his own money on this shirt and a matching hat.

Thanks for taking a peek at this week’s photos! If you want to see this stuff as it happens, please feel free to follow me on Flickr and/or Instagram.

I may already have plans to blog about some of these things in greater detail over the coming week, but be sure to leave a comment if there’s something in particular you want to know about!




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4 thoughts on “TWiP: Work. And some play, too.

  1. I bet that cake was yummy. 🙂
    Happy Birthday to your son!

    1. It was pretty good ☺

  2. Happy Birthday Aiden!!!!
    Lisa, I received your beautiful bracelet that will be worn a lot this spring and summer. You do a great job.
    Thanks, Chloe

    1. I’m so glad you like it! 😊

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