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TWiP: Marching along

This Week in Pictures (TWiP) at Polka Dot Cottage

This year is going by so quickly. It’s already March! In looking at my old blog posts from this time, I see that sometimes there have been tiny crocus shoots visible in the yard already by now. I will have to go have a look outside today. How nice it would be to see signs of spring!

In recent years we have been pounded mercilessly with snow storm after snow storm, but we had a nice reprieve from that this year. We had one crazy blizzard, and nothing much else of note. I suspect that is why January and February did not seem to drag on interminably for me this time around.

It’s nice to not feel utterly desperate by the time spring arrives 🙂

So, what is This Week in Pictures?

It’s a roundup of the photos I shot with my DSLR for Project 365 (one image each day for all of 2016), plus some phone snapshots I posted on Instagram during the previous week.

Ready? Cast your mind back to this time last week…


365: 2016 58/366 – I crocheted 3 little coasters today for my bedroom night stand, to go next to the mandala I made last year. I’d whip up a few for Neil’s side, but I suspect he’d sooner chew glass than have his night stand covered in vintagey crochet 😉


365: 2016 59/365 – After their whirlwind trip to Houston, Neil and Aidan are due back in Newark any minute. [Taken with my phone. At Newark Liberty International Airport.]

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365: 2016 60/366 – I thought for Leap Day it would be fun for a bunch of us to leap off of the front steps. I’d use a remote and a tripod to capture the shot while we were all in mid-air. Only nobody was very enthusiastic about the idea, which in turn damped my own enthusiasm, and in the end it was all I could do to just snap a shot of the steps where the magic would have happened, had we not chosen to be sticks in the proverbial mud today 😉


365: 2016 61/365 – Judging from the half dozen shirts I see my son wear frequently, I was under the impression that he didn’t have many clothes that fit him anymore. So today I bought him a pair of new t-shirts and decided to organize his laundry for him… I definitely didn’t need to buy those two new ones! I found four other unworn shirts with the tags still on them, too.


365: 2016 62/366 – It’s my mother’s birthday today, and my parents visited this afternoon. Did I remember to take my camera out while they were here? No, of course I did not. Instead my picture of the day will have to be of the empty giftwrapping she left behind for me to re-use. Oh well. Happy Birthday, Mom 🙂 [Taken with my phone.]


365: 2016 63/366 – For today’s Victorian Tea, my 7th grader chose to be an urchin, which is good because we had no problem cobbling together a sufficiently urchinesque wardrobe for the occasion, using stuff we already owned 😀 [At Eamonn’s school.]


365: 2016 64/366 – This image is essentially the only evidence I have of our overnight-into-morning snowfall. The sun came out a few hours ago and wiped out any trace of it (which is exactly how I like a snowfall to be dealt with!)

Thanks for taking a peek at this week’s photos! If you want to see this stuff as it happens, please feel free to follow me on Flickr and/or Instagram.

I may already have plans to blog about some of these things in greater detail over the coming week, but be sure to leave a comment if there’s something in particular you want to know about!



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2 thoughts on “TWiP: Marching along

  1. Nice post. I really like the pink pattern coaster- full and swirled!

    1. I love that one, too. I ended up making about a dozen more in other colors. They whip up so quickly!

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