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TWiP: the least I could do

This Week in Pictures

This week, particularly the early part, was pretty much dominated by my surgical procedure, but we’ve already talked about that, so no need to discuss it any further here.

In other news of the week, Aidan turned 15 on Thursday (yikes!) and I got a new laptop. This, in fact, is my first blog post from the new computer. So far, so good.

Remember last year when I dumped a cup of coffee into my old computer? Yeah, those were some good times right there. It was like the gift that kept on giving, because that little incident caused my CTRL key to work intermittently, as well as the right-click mouse button on my track pad. And over time, complications from taking the laptop apart to drain it caused the left corner of the screen to come unhinged. Sometimes using that computer could be comedic. And I’ve been doing it for a year.

It got worse when I started using Lightroom to edit my photos. My whole system was brought to its poor little crippled knees.

So replacing the laptop has been on my radar for quite some time, but I’ve been too reluctant to part with what little cash I have. I finally bit the bullet when Neil found me a great deal on eBay this week. It’s been perfect timing, too, because I have spent a lot of time sitting around recently, between my recovery, antibiotics that make me feel blechy, and good ol’ monthly cramps. I’ve had time to copy my important stuff over and poke around Windows 8, too.

Ok. Enough nerd talk from me. All of the aforementioned laying around has not been conducive to hosting a proper birthday party for my teenager, so we’ve been doing the “low-key supper-and-cake” circuit with the grandparents. On Thursday (his actual birthday) we took him out to the local diner, just the four of us. Last night it was Chinese food and ice cream cake at Neil’s parents’ house, and tonight it is sandwiches and brownies at my parents’ house. I’m on the hook to make the brownies this afternoon, which is the least I could do.

Actually, it may very well be the least I could do.

This entire week, as a matter of fact, has been full of me doing the absolute least I could get away with doing. I’m looking forward to getting my act together again. Like, soon.

So, what is This Week in Pictures?

It’s a roundup of the photos I shot for my Project 365 (one image each day for all of 2015), plus some everyday-life snapshots I posted on Instagram during the previous week.

Ready? Cast your mind back to this time last week…


365: 2015 51/365 – Lunch leftovers, duly labeled.



365: 2015 52/365 – I usually like to take my 365 pictures in the morning, but then something like this happens and makes me glad I waited…


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Getting my iv inbefore my procedure. Good times.

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365: 2015 53/365 – Monday night: painillers and early to bed. Surgery went well (thanks for all of the positive energy thrown my way).


365: 2015 54/365 – Tuesday morning breakfast: vitamins, antibiotics, painkillers, a Larabar, a hot cup of Tazo Zen tea, a comfy blanket, and Downton Abbey on the DVR.


365: 2015 55/365 – With this Frappuccino I celebrate: 1) Getting out and about after 2 days in my pajamas. 2) Excellent biopsy results. 3) The soothing feel of a frozen drink on a sore throat. 4) A pink and gray blanket on the hook. 5) An outside temperature above freezing. 6) Starbucks Rewards, which got me my drink for free 🙂

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Hey, there, Instagram. Sleep tight 😴

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The husband stole my phone…

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The birthday boy 😊

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365: 2015 56/365 – Sometimes you just want a drink with a cherry in it 🙂


365: 2015 57/365 – Birthday party number two, this time with cake 🙂

Thanks for taking a peek at this week’s photos! If you want to see this stuff as it happens, please feel free to follow me on Flickr.

I may already have plans to blog about some of these things in greater detail over the coming week, but be sure to leave a comment if there’s something in particular you want to know about!


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5 thoughts on “TWiP: the least I could do

  1. i’m so glad the results are awesome … wheeeeewww … i know how that goes, waiting for *results* … good on you …

    i want to tell you i swear i recognize some of your vitamins; i see vitamin c and a b and a teeny, tiny d that always rolls on the floor … i could be wrong, but it looks like my regimen …

    also, how did that boy get SOOOO BIG AND SOOOOO OLD??? i remember your posts and he was just a little one …. and, you, still sooo young … how can this be??? LOL …. i’m glad you’re feeling better and that all goes (pretty) well with you … i’m bowing down to you; i got my new laptop for christmas and i still haven’t transferred files … thank goodness it’s *only* windows 7 (i still love xp!!) …. sorry for rambling … have a great day …

    1. You’re right about the vitamin D. I’ve lost a lot of those under the couch over the years

    2. You know, I was so proud of myself for using my phone to reply to your comment, but the system ate most of what I wrote! I now know you can’t use emoji when you post a comment from your phone 😉

      Anyway, I’m back on my laptop to say you’re right about the vitamin D. The others were calcium, a multivitamin, folic acid, two Walgreen’s “tylenol” and an antibiotic.

      Yes, it’s really not possible that Aidan is 15, or that Eamonn will be 12 in a few weeks. Time is going by way too quickly!

      Migrating my laptop has been so much easier because I keep most of my important files in Google Drive. I pretty much just turned on the new laptop, installed Google Drive, and everything copied over automatically. Very nice. It also helps that I’m kind of a nerd, and I just like this stuff 🙂

  2. Cute pictures!! Feel better 🙂

    1. Thanks, Jamie. I am all back to normal now. “Normal” being a relative term 😉

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