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Granny Square Sampler: Complete!

Insta-March 28, 2016 at 1031AM_edInsta-March 30, 2016 at 0732PM_edGranny Square Sampler complete!

It always feels so good to put the finishing touches on a project, and when that project was started almost four years ago it feels even better!

I crocheted my first Granny Square Sampler squares along with Blair and everyone else back in 2012, and I got nearly to the end with them until I was distracted by something else. I let the blanket languish for a few years, took it out to work on the last few squares, and then decided I wasn’t likely to be happy with the results of mushing together all of these random motifs (even though that was precisely the point of the original project).

So, I came up with the idea of big squares. Some of the original squares could be extended, and others could be combined together, and in the end I would have twenty 11-round granny squares to stitch together into a civilized blanket. I got about halfway through that task before I got bored and moved on.

So here we are, four years after I started, I finally got the oomph to push this blanket over the finish line.

The details

Pattern: Blair Stocker’s Granny Square Sampler crochet-along, which is not a pattern so much as a collection of motif tutorials and a (very loose) suggestion as to how to arrange them together.

Yarn: Almost entirely KnitPicks Dishie, with the exception of some of the pale mint greens. I used a variety of different inexpensive cottons for the mints. (I see by the newest KnitPicks catalog that as of this season Dishie actually comes in that minty color now. Yum.)

Hook: G

Modifications: I made all of the squares as written, but then went a different direction for assembly, re-arranging all of the small squares into large 11-round (or the equivalent of 11-rounds) squares. I then used the join-as-you-go method to connect all of the squares together on a background of off-white. The border is a gradation of all of the minty/aqua/teal colors I used from light to dark.

Granny Square Sampler complete!

All along my plan was to stick this blanket in the van. I no longer have a van, but I still like the idea of it being a travel blanket. Into the back seat of the car it goes!

I threw it in the washing machine, and now I am endlessly picking lint off of it. I think one of the cheap minty colors I used shed considerably along with little bits of some of the other colors, and now there is gray lint all over the darn thing. As you can see.

It’s ok. I’m not being too picky about how neat it is (or is not) because after one or two trips in the back seat with my kids, I expect it’s going to look like this anyway:

Granny Square Sampler complete!

I’m cool with that. What good are blankets you can’t use and abuse?

If you want to read all of my history with this blanket, it’s all gathered here.

If you like my granny square crochet hook, you can get a similar one here.

And now I’m shifting gears to mandalas. I ordered a great new book, and I’m looking forward to covering a table or two around here 🙂


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Posted on 14 Comments

14 thoughts on “Granny Square Sampler: Complete!

  1. I love this blanket. Colorful and fun, just like you. You should be proud that it’s finished, even with the gray lint.

    1. Aw, thanks, Linda, that’s so sweet 🙂 And I am proud of it, lint and all!

  2. A beautiful job well done, Lisa! I love your color palette.

    1. Thank you 🙂 I debated whether or not to add the teal/mint border, but I’m glad I did.

  3. I love the blanket! I started reading your blog because I saw a photo of your blanket on Blair’s site and loved the colors you chose for this. My blanket isn’t finished yet so I may “borrow” your idea of assembling the squares into blocks.

    1. Sure, borrow away! How funny that it was the blanket that brought you to my blog. Four years is a long time to wait for a payoff. I hope it was worth it 😉

  4. I really like how it turned out. the colour combinations, how some squares only have 3 little squares. nice.

    1. Thanks, Amanda 🙂 There were so many squares that we were told to make 3 of when this project started! I’m glad they came out as nice as they did when I put them together!

  5. I love the uniqueness of your blanket!! Wonderful !

    1. Thanks, Chloe! Unique, it definitely is 😊

  6. Hi Lisa. I started the same blanket when you did and have about 3/4 of the squares finished I’d say. Somehow it was put aside and pretty much forgotten. I too love the way your finished blanket is assembled. I like it better than the original actually and I love your colors. Mine are more muted autumn type colors. You have inspired me to finish this project!

  7. I love it!! <3

  8. Lisa, it look so great! I am not usually a fan of random or mis-matched, but you put it all together in such an orderly way that I love it! You are rocking some serious design skills, lady!

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