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Dashing Young Things

I’m thinking I may need to have my “crafty blogger” license revoked.  Not counting photography-related posts, I haven’t dedicated an entire post to anything craft-related in almost a month.  A lot of that is because I haven’t done much of anything crafty.  I’ve wanted to, but I’ve been stalled by the state of my craft table.  It’s not pretty, folks.  I couldn’t make anything there if I tried!

I have been doing a little bit of knitting, though, mostly because it’s portable, and I can do it at night with the TV on in the background, thereby elevating my evening TV habit to something remotely useful.

So let me tell you about what you’re looking at here.  The purple gloves are Eamonn’s – he’s 7.  They are based on the Knitty pattern Dashing, which I love and have made once before.  Dashing is written for adult hands, but I made some modifications to make them appropriate for smaller people.


These are Aidan’s gloves, and they’re not quite done.  He’s 10.  I’m stalling on the thumb holes because I stink at picking up stitches, and I just hate the whole process.  Let’s pretend for the time being that the poor boy’s thumbs are covered.

Would you like to make a pair for your favorite smaller person?  These are a great, simple introduction to cables, if you’ve never done them before.

Dashing for 7-Year-Olds (and Skinny 10-Year-Olds)

The original Dashing pattern can be found here.

The yarn I used on both pairs was Berocco Vintage (Sloe Berry and Douglas Fir).

Modify the Smaller size, as follows:

  • Go down a needle size (but stick with whatever yarn you would have used for an adult pair)
  • Reduce the number of rows by 1/3.  In other words, wherever it calls for 18 rows, knit 12.   Where it calls for 24, knit 16.  And where it calls for 12, knit 8.

That’s it!  Very simple.  And I have to warn you to do as I say, not as I do.  Eamonn’s gloves are too short over the fingers, and too tight in the thumb because I eyeballed it instead of reading my own notes.  If I’d followed my directions, they’d be fine.  I learned my lesson, and Aidan’s are much better (except for the missing thumbs, which we’ve agreed not to talk about).

Aidan has complained about them being a little bit tight, so if your 10-year-old is not a beanpole like mine is, you might want to try this with size Larger as your basis.


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