Week Four, 2020. It’s hard for me to believe we are already four weeks into this new year. I’m still writing 2019 on things.
It’s a roundup of the microblogging I’ve done on Flickr and Instagram all week. This includes photos I shot for Project 365 and any other extra images I may have posted.
Photos taken with 📷 (Canon EOS 80D ) or 📱 (Samsung Galaxy S7 ).
Ready? Cast your mind back to this time last week…
18/366 A snowy Saturday, and my solar fairy lights at the top of the driveway.
(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)
Why do sleeves always take me so long? #easilydistracted
(View original post on Instagram.)
19/366 Plugging away tonight on the first sleeve. If I can just force myself to concentrate on this, I can actually wear the sweater this week!
(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)
20/366 K and the musical birdie.
(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)
21/366 Neil is out at a concert, and I am having a nice, quiet evening at home.
(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)
22/365 Well, it’s no longer super dark when I get home from work, so that’s nice.
(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)
23/365 Putting the finishing touches on a new Spotify playlist.
(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)
24/365 In the mood for some coffee and a short drive with a little music.
(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)
Another Friday night, another tall decaf Americano ☕😋
(View original post on Instagram.)
Thanks for taking a peek at this week’s photos! If you want to see this stuff as it happens, please feel free to follow me on Flickr or Instagram ♥
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