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TWiP: Tiny Adventures

This Week in Pictures, Week 4, 2019

I love when I can look back on a week and see that it was full of tiny, everyday adventures. Having these TWiP roundups are a great way to remind myself that I did more than just work for the last seven days.

Last night, I was talking to someone about movies, and I had a hard time being critical about much of what I’ve seen. As a result, he joked that I was “easily entertained.” Well, yes, in fact, I am easily entertained. But how is that a bad thing? The more laughter and smiling the better, as far as I am concerned 😊

So, what is This Week in Pictures?

It’s a roundup of the microblogging I’ve done on Instagram all week. This includes photos I shot for Project 365 and any other extra images I may have posted.

Photos taken with 📷 (Canon EOS 80D) or 📱 (Samsung Galaxy S7).

Ready? Cast your mind back to this time last week…


Home all day with plenty of daylight, but I spent it all in this chair, writing a blog post. So, once again, I take my daily photo in the dark.


Still knitting my Dryad… I’m about a third of the way through. It’s slushy and gross outside, so I’m staying in for the rest of the day.

(View original post on Instagram.)

Sometimes you just want a little Dr. Pepper, even though you rarely drink it anymore.
The four of us watched much of the eclipse together on the front steps, bundled up against the freezing cold. I didn’t get any good totality shots, because there was so much wind. Not sorry I stayed up late for it, though! #superbloodwolfmoon

(View original post on Instagram.)


It’s crazy cold outside. And while it’s not particularly cold inside, I still felt a chill. Until: hot coffee, wool sweater, wristwarmers, shawl draped over my legs, and a heated up rice pillow on my lap. Overkill? Probably. But for now I’m nice and cozy.

(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)


Neil is making hot dogs for dinner.

(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)


Time to make the coffee.

(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)


I decided to get myself a hot water bottle and it arrived today. I don’t have a cover for it yet, so I didn’t want to burn myself with really hot water. But even the warm water I did use feels nice. I need to knit it a cozy as soon as I’m finished with that gigantic scarf I’ve been working on.

(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)


I realized tonight that I left my phone at work, so the 15yo and I drove over there to get it. Only, when we arrived, I realized that I’d left my office key at home. Soooo, we drove back home for the key, then back to the office for the phone, and finally back home, where I plan to stay for the rest of the night!

(View original Project 365 post on Flickr.)

I’ve got some reading to catch up on.

(View original post on Instagram.)

Thanks for taking a peek at this week’s photos! If you want to see this stuff as it happens, please feel free to follow me on Flickr or Instagram ♥

SAME WEEK PREVIOUS YEARS (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018)

This Week in Pictures, Week 4, 2015 This Week in Pictures, Week 4, 2016 This Week in Pictures, Week 4, 2017 This Week in Pictures, Week 4, 2018


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Posted on 2 Comments

2 thoughts on “TWiP: Tiny Adventures

  1. Now THIS was entertaining!! ; )
    My hubby was laughing at me bundled up with the chill inside too. Hot water bottle!! Hmmm Haven’t thought of that in years. I must have one😄. The phone/keys 😂. We can all relate. Love your writing and honesty.

    1. 😀 Sounds like we are birds of a feather!

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