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Weekend Favorites

Thanks for your nice comments on my sweater post the other day. I’m always so happy right after a big project comes off the needles – I wear it every chance I get! I’ve decided I do want to put pockets on it. I already knit them last night, in fact. I just have to sew them on. That sounds like a job that would be perfect in front of a British mystery with a nice cup of tea. Mmmmm. Think I’ll be cozying up with that tonight.

On Flickr

The mosaic below represents other people’s pictures that spoke to me this week. Be sure to click on the titles below the mosaic, if you want to know more about the image or the photographer behind it.

(follow me on flickr)

Weekend Favorites at Polka Dot Cottage

1. New Millefiori Geometric Canes, 2. dans la cuisine, 3. Romantic Czech Glass with Freshwater Peals on Antique Brass Chain, 4. miss maggie rabbit making, 5. Avui festa!Matinal de costura a casa#kacuku #relax #patchwork #nousprojectes#, 6. 9:21:2014, 7. A little treat bought @67thepincushion with @claireinstitches today! I had such a lovely day – thank you @leighsideknits your KAL is the gift that keeps on giving, 8. croisic, 9. ship in a bottle floss colors, 10. Mail Embellishment, 11. Bisutería y platos de arcilla polimérica., 12. Tecnica de transferencia sobre arcilla polimerica

Around the Web

I spend some time earlier in the week sharing my favorite crafty links through social media. And then I repeat them here on Fridays.

  • Wait Your Turn for the Swings at Boston’s Adult Playground – something cool via CityLab. This is so neat! I hope it’s still here when we visit this exact area next winter. We rarely leave the hotel during those cold February weekends, but this would totally be worth a short brisk walk.
  • Making Rainbows – colorful polymer clay extrusions from Inspire to Create. Ronit Golan makes some pretty rainbow extruded canes (and show you how she does it) but my favorites are the ones with some dark blue mixed in. I’m a big believer in adding contrast to your polymer extrusions.
  • Ultimate Photo Playlist: Songs That Really Click – a list of tunes by Photojojo. Looking through this list of songs about photography and picture-taking, I feel a new playlist coming on…

Have a happy, Autumnal Friday!


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2 thoughts on “Weekend Favorites

  1. I had to go look at the mail embellishments. So cute! I’ve doodled before on mail, but nothing this elaborate. Have a good weekend!

    1. They’re pretty neat! Enjoy your weekend, too 🙂

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