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Summer Studio

It’s been a few weeks since I played along with Heather’s Summer Studio, so I thought I’d join in today.  Here’s what is on and around my worktable at the moment:


Beach pendant parts.  I think I have shown you various beach pendant parts all summer long… it might be nice to have some actual finished pieces one of these days. *sigh*  At the moment I am waiting for various mail-order components, as well as an opportunity to snap a few more seaside pictures.  Next week.  I’ll have something fun to show next week (right?  oh I hope!).


Here’s a sheet that is about to be cut up and turned into a skirt (or two or three).  I just need to shove all of the clay supplies out of the way so I can set up the sewing machine. Ah, the joys of being multi-crafty in a small space…


And this is not technically in progress, unless you count the time it spends wandering around my brain, being considered, and morphing into an eventual project.  I’ll be reviewing this book sometime in the next week or two (first impression? delicious, of course), as soon as I’ve had a chance to find the embroidery hoops I bought recently.  Oh, and I’ll need to learn to embroider, too.  That will be helpful.

That’s it for my creative endeavors at the moment.  Before I sign off, though, I want to thank you for taking the time to answer my poll!  It’s been fun watching the different topics duke it out for first place.  Some of what I am seeing is a little surprising, actually, but I won’t get into all of that now.  The poll closes on Friday morning, and after that I’ll be sure to yammer on about what I’ve learned and all of that good stuff.  If you haven’t voted yet, be a dear and go let me know what you think.  Thanks.  You’re a peach!


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